ItA is no longer compatible with FrackinUniverse (FU). This slimmed down mod is for players that opt out of the FU experience. All material found here has been shared with Sayter for integration with his mod as he sees fit. Otherwise, please enjoy!
VitSotU content used with permission from Dracyoshi.
Added glacial & hot spring secondary biomes to the Mountainous Biome.
Scale the sublime craggy cliffs of the Mountainous world or go sailing away on the remote stormy Tidewater world. Plant your flag at the pinnacle of the world or plub the savage depths to seek your rewards.
NEW!!! Mountainous (Tier 2) & Tidewater Biomes (Tier 3).
Custom Secondary Biomes - Estuary, Deep Sea Vents, Breakwater & Corrupt Island(s)
NEW!!! Hot springs & Glaciers
NEW!!! Extreme Mountain Terrain
Custom Island & Reef Terrains
Custom Marine Materials
Coming Soon:
Ocean Biome Improvements
Lighthouses if I can ever finish the pixel art...
Custom Interactable NPC's
Farmable Reeds & Thatch Recipes
Calderas, Volcanoes, Lava Tubes
Heath, Moor, Highland, Karst & Peat Bog Biome
Hylotl Villages!
Pirate Wrecks & Buried Treasure!
New Ships?
Place-able Shells & Coral
Mountain Chalets
Long Term:
Very Special thanks to Sayter for working with me to develop and implement the material found here. And Dracyoshi for his original VitsotU that inspired me to explore the stars.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated ItA - Tidewater & Mountainous Biomes! V 0.07
Adding new Biome Content in the Into the Aether Series!
Recent Updates
- Some like it Hot :) Apr 3, 2015
- Now Tidewater Plus! Apr 2, 2015
- Sub-Biomes! Mar 31, 2015