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    Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
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Outdated Instrumental Headstart 2.1

Give all currently available instruments to newly created characters.

  1. Upbeat Giraffe v.1 Update

    Updated support for Novakids.
  2. Rampaging Koala (NIGHTLY) update!

    This update is for RAMPAGING KOALA Protocol: 657 and above.
    Do not bother trying to use this in the Stable or Unstable branch until the next update in those branches.

    With the new JSON patching system, I was able to finally update this mod correctly, as it was not completely possible before.

    Currently works with all vanilla races (including Novakids).

    Usage: Create a new character. The items will spawn in your ship locker upon rebooting the ship AI.

    This mod should be compatible...
  3. Furious Update MK2

    Thanks to the help of @Alsehr this mod is now Furious Koala compatible.

    Please note, however, I am still working on converting this to the __merge method, as a result, this mod is not currently compatible with other mods that edit the default ship treasure pools.
  4. Furious update

    Edit: DOES NOT WORK!

    I'm working on it.
    Tilux likes this.
  5. Angry Koala update

    Changed compatible version to "v. Angry Koala".