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Outdated Horizontal Doors 1.8.4

Adds horizontal "hatches" that fit into the floor

  1. Under the hood update and one new giant door

    Install this update fresh. Delete the old mod and do not overwrite!

    A few notable changes, smelting is no longer the method to obtain doors, now you just craft them for 5 steel from metalwork stations or the tabula rasa. While I liked that you had to have the door to make the upgraded version, it's a burden to the nice doors that currently aren't available without modding or cheating. Now everyone can enjoy all the doors I convert.


    Also this new door. You'll notice it's different from the original.. I had to edit the sprite so that it would better fit symmetrically, allowing the door to take up less space and now be 3x9 instead of 4x8. I did this primarily because water collision against doors looks like garbage if there's a gap, which was present with the 4x8 version. See the new water collision below

    Also, I changed this door to no longer require anchors on both sides (that just doesn't make sense, it's a spike for crying out loud!) and I may do the same for the high teir doors that don't attach at the top and bottom.
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