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Outdated Harder Bosses (Discontinued!) 2/21/2014

Do the bosses seem like pushovers? Well, this mod will fix that!

  1. Fixed some bugs.

    Shadow Wolf TJC
    After looking at GullOfDoom's video of this mod, I realize that I forgot to remove the modified boss-summoning items, which I actually made in order to test these bosses out for myself. :love: To make up for this, I've decided to greatly reduce the amount of crafting materials needed in order to create each of these boss-summoning items.

    I've also created a new drop set for the Super Penguin UFO. It SHOULD now drop 20 Impervium Bars, 10 Solarium Rods, 5 Copper, Iron, Silver, and Gold Bars, and 5000 pixels. If it doesn't please let me know.

    Note: you'll need to remove your old Harder Bosses folder (or at least the folder labeled "ironbeacon" located within directory Harder Bosses/objects/wired/ ) in order for this update to take effect, since this mod is no longer supposed to have all of those modified .LUA files within (which control what those items do).
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