Hello Internet,
First I would like to apologize to the fans of Halo Ultra, it's been too long since there has been an update and I am sorry. I have been on an extended hiatus, but now I'm back.
I have made Halo Ultra playable with Upbeat Giraffe.
You will find that a lot of things that were in previous builds are missing, this will be addressed in future updates.
My main goal going forward is to "polish" the mod, meaning:
Very little new content
Focus on getting all aspects of the mod to work %100
After that we will see, in the meantime please enjoy this limited release.
There will be more to come
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated Halo Ultra Halo Ultra V5.2
Spartans never die, they're just MIA.