A race heavily based on the two pokemon Gardevoir & Gallade.
What I have in the Mod :
fitting hair styles (some with Kirlia and Ralts inspired head spike things) and hair colors (duh)
skin colors and eye/spike colors (duh)
unique name generator
4 sets of starting clothes (but will make more)
29 armor sets mostly reskins(of my armor) but with some helpful effects
What I want to put in the Mod :
a pet for the race
a ship for the race
weapon sets
colony tenants
here is the link to it on the Steam Workshop
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Gardevan 1.3
A race heavily based on the two pokemon Gardevoir & Gallade.
Recent Updates
- Now works with Mechs Jun 25, 2017
- 29 Armor Sets madness Nov 13, 2016
- Pokemon in Clothes Oct 13, 2016