Version 1.4.3
by Sartharis
The mod adds new freaky parts for monster generation. Currently features 17 grotesque parts intented for tall biped monsters (12 heads, 5 bodies), 4 horrifying chest parts for quadrupeds and 4 for tiny quadrupeds . More parts will be added every update!
Images of Monster Parts
How to install:
Installation is very simple (just like any other Starbound mod):
1.Open the downloaded zip file.
2.Open the Starbound mods folder (can be found in steamapps/common/Starbound)
3.Put the contents of the zip into the mods folder.
The mod should have no compatibility issues, as it only adds new content.
Also, a huge thanks to ioxles for his Monster Mash mod. You have saved me so much time, thank you (if you are making a monster texture mod, check it out!)
If you want even more monster parts, check out AnTi's and Annuschka's mod, AnTiMonster ,which has over 80 different monster parts!!!
Finally, another thanks to aMannus' Creative Mode mod!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated Freaks of Nature 1.4.4 - Enraged Koala
New freaky monster parts for everyone to enjoy! Currently 25 parts and more are coming!
Recent Updates
- Just a few fixes Mar 18, 2014
- Update to pak format and 1 new secret body! Mar 8, 2014
- Updating to Enraged Koala Feb 26, 2014