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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. minor tweak

    gets rid of the annoying "spawnProfiles" errors in the logs, and potentially fixes a travel-loop bug before it happens. I'd forgotten to update three biome spawnprofiles from the vanilla patches.

    If you already downloaded, you probably don't need to but it can't hurt.
    Solzucht likes this.
  2. 3.4 Glad Giraffe

    many many maaaany little updates with this one, but the most notable are below. Bear in mind that I've likely missed a few things that haven't cropped up in my testing...there's only so much I can do on my own now with a mod this large :) Report and I'll fix things as they crop up.


    -1397 files have have their sounds changed from wav to ogg

    -converted all wav files used in FU to ogg format, save for one or two weapons

    -all quests rewritten from the ground up, with many more...
  3. minor fixes

    this addresses several tiny little issues some users have pointed out (namely, Atropus being a problem to visit due to an incorrect plant definition)

    no other changes of note. Those will come with the Unstable update.
    alloy627 and Comito like this.
  4. Revision - Phase 3. Operation: Grind Killer

    Now that weapons, armor, science outpost, recipes and other stuff have been adjusted I took a few days to hammer out a new system for the primary part of FU: Plant Creation.

    If you don't read the update, you will be totally lost. So take a minute out of your day and read the following. I will not be answering questions already answered here.

    Major Revision: Plant Design -

    The entire...
    kuba6004, Zetlin97, Voidnaut and 3 others like this.
  5. reactor hotfix, with everything else I've been working on added in there.

    holy crap! 30,000 downloads! Thanks guys!

    -fixed a bug with the fission reactor causing it to not function. sorry about that!

    - filter tabs added to nanofabricator menu

    - glow sand now...yknow….glows.

    - most of the FU-plant derived thrown weapons have had status effects tacked onto their existing attacks to make them more interesting.

    - added the various placeable tilemods from Science mod. Propulsion strip, bounce gel, accel...
  6. new biomes, peglaci gear and more

    3.1 brings more goodies, but mostly refinements to core aspects of play.

    - new look for irradium rifle

    - added extra quest in the Alloy Furnace line for Wolframite/Tungsten

    - Wolframite is now mentioned on Mountainous planet info popup

    - added numerous weapons and gear from the Peglaci race mod, since it is now open to such things,. Enjoy the heap of new gear! Item names are changed to suit FU where applicable. Most fit into the rubium/aegisalt/violium ore grouping in terms of...
  7. kapow! 3.0, yessiree!

    I'm going to call 2.0 a wrap with this last minor update in the cycle.

    This version saw a metric TON of new additions, with entire new aspects of production , power generation, recipe improvements, dungeon fine-tuning and so much more it can't really all be listed.

    At this point, things are almost entirely stable. A few bugs will crop up here and there, more than likely, but at this point "core" is essentially complete. Now I can start fine-tuning things in more focused ways.

    This final...
  8. hammering out the goodness....hotfix

    Yep. More stuff. I'm unemployed with nothing to do right now. Leave me alone! :)

    edit:hotfix made the blast furnace accessible and added a few new things to the starspawns. Also lol @ "hoitfix". Note that I forgot completeion items for three of the bees quests (which makes them impossible to progress in for the time being). I'll get a fix up tonight.

    Pushing it out now because it's basically ready , and fixes a couple potentially annoying bugs in the process.

  9. hammering you with goodness

    Yep. More stuff. I'm unemployed with nothing to do right now. Leave me alone! :)

    Pushing it out now because it's basically ready , and fixes a couple potentially annoying bugs in the process.

    Read the notes, people. Some recipe changes have come that you'll likely want to know about.


    - The Science Outpost has been expanded more. It now contains a hut with bees! mod questlines and gear and further along is a home with the...
  10. WOOPS!

    sorry folks, forgot a recipe for the Armory so you can actually build the bloody thing. Fixed that for you.
    Lindazana likes this.