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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Cazador6000
    Version: 3.57a
    Best mod there is for starbound.It makes the game twice as long and twice as fun.
  2. Luthor614
    Version: 3.57
    As always Sayter, you've outdone yourself yet again! :)
  3. rexsarus
    Version: 3.56
    Really cool! the best mod!
    but how does the apiary work?
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      follow the tutorials for the bees, from the science outpost. They explain how to use it.
  4. Maze34
    Version: 3.56
    Amazing mod defiantly recommend downloading
  5. Thalant
    Version: 3.56
    What to say... this mod has made my game about three or four times as long and I still have things to discover. Like some people say, this doesn't feel like a mod. This is like a FULL EXPANSION of the game.
    Congrats to the developer. You are amazing. Please keep up the good work!
  6. Luthor614
    Version: 3.55 hotfix
    5 stars for ever-expanding content! Keep up the great work Sayter!
  7. SirDoodle
    Version: 3.55 hotfix
    Went to the frozen planet mission, morph balled into a hole. Couldn't get out. managed to kill myself and now my character won't load and my game crashes.

    Otherwise i would have given it 5/5 because the content is great.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      You didn't report this as a bug before neg-bombing a review? Dude! Not cool! Seriously though, submit an error log beforehand so I can at least try to help you. The logs generally show the issue. Dying certainly shouldn't cause the issue you state, and it may not even be related to the mod. Just because you're in a dungeon from the mod does not mean the crash is caused by it :) So again: Error log. That's why it's the first thing typed on the mods page!
  8. DruidicSymphonies6713
    Version: 3.55 hotfix
    This mod is perfect to me. There aren't much modifications that actually add sorcery and magic, but this one does. It also think that the dungeon is a very interesting part of this mod. But I am having a significant amount of trouble trying to locate an Eden planet..
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      just keep looking. That's literally all there is to it. With 70 or so possible biomes to draw on, that's a 1 in 70 chance (with slight changes to that value in different star system types) to get the biome type. They are no less rare than anything else.
  9. ghostrider2539
    Version: 3.55 hotfix
    I love this mod and i have been playing starbound since alpha and have played with every other big mod like this and this one takes the 1st place spot. consider that a seal of approval form an OG. NIce work man keep it up

    P.S how common are Eden planets
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      Eden are about as common as all the other planets. It's all down to random generation, basically.
  10. NekoSoul
    Version: 3.55 hotfix
    This MOD is great, but how can my upgrade station work?
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      sadly, due to game limitations (and some recent changes to the the stable code) only Armor currently upgrades in there. I'll adjust this later if it's possible to do so. Follow the prompts on the hud for the station, drop an Upgrade Module into the slot you want increased, drop in the armor, and then poof, done.
  11. Silverias
    Version: 3.55 hotfix
    Great mod content-wise, but honestly, if I wanted a lighting overhaul, I'd install one. This was part of the serious modpack and I had to troubleshoot the entire pack because suddenly no one on my server had their light aura. Would be great if it was advertised.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      never saw a need to advertise it. Typically speaking you dont go without light for very long in the game anyhow. And FU adds dozens of options for light, including plants to do this with.

      Furthermore, some of the biomes in FU are intended to be pitch black, as well as the major dungeon. Since it ruins the effect of those, it was removed. It's not a tough thing to disable it, though, provided you know how to extract from modpacks and delete a single file :)

      added the notice about it to the page under the features graphics.
  12. Lance Hancock
    Lance Hancock
    Version: 3.55
    I have no Idea how you update this so often. You must eat sleep and mod. Well done. I couldn't keep up this pace if I tried. Not to mention it is thee go to over haul mod I would say for Starbound. Much like Perkus maximus in Skyrim.
  13. seththemuse
    Version: 3.54
    Amazing. So much to explore and create, so many interesting planets, and so many cool furniture bits to decorate with! I am totally enamored with this mod, and I almost can't play Starbound without it now! I only have a few minor nitpicks, but even then it's totally worth it. Thank you so much for this amazing mod that's just jam-packed with exploratory and science-y goodness.
  14. thinkspike
    Version: 3.54
    Basically I treat this as canon. Must have. Keep that damn good pace with the updates =)

    Thank you so much.
  15. Esreadel
    Version: 3.54
    Ive got to say the shoggoth dungeon is impressive work. I admired every detail of it. Really, really great work. The mod as a whole is amazing.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      Thanks. That was a fun thing to make, and more will be coming :) Including more assets for that same dungeon.
  16. Gingas02
    Version: 3.52
    This is literally the best mod for Starbound, I'd even say its essential. Its like SkyUI for Skyrim, I can't play this game w/o installing this mod, it adds SO much content. Thank you!
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      You're welcome.
  17. lowzkillar
    Version: 3.51
    It's a great mod. Please give me a mirror link if you have one because
    somethings blocking me from accessing mediafire . Mega is the only accessible site i know.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      use the github link instead, then. It won't cause that issue. its provided near the top of this page. Be sure to rename the directory structure to FrackinUniverse instead of FrackinUniverse_RC or it won't work
  18. FLM
    Version: 3.51
    Somehow I managed to fix it. It's nice to play with this mod .
  19. CyberSpork
    Version: 3.51
    I always install this mod after vanilla starbound gets too repetitive for me. It always delivers on the fun part. Honestly it's amazing that all of this is done by 1 guy. It is very high quality and it adds a lot to the game. The mod is still in development (as Starbound itself develops) and keeps on getting bigger and better. My favorite thing is probably the crafting stations (they look amazing). If gotta give 1 complaint it's that it's sometimes hard to know what the next thing is to do. De guide is useful but I sometimes got stuck not knowing what to do. It's a shame the wiki for this mod isn't complete yet. Overall amazing mod, keep up the good work!
  20. TheHeroicBlobfish
    Version: 3.5
    I wish there was a 4 1/2 star for this because this mod is great.In fact (or opinion or whatever) it is one of the best mods for starbound but I wish there could be a few things for automation.Like things that make plants grow faster,planters to automatically plant plants,harvest them,grinders to grind monsters,modular storage using power (stealing the idea from applied energistics mod for minecraft),quarries,power pipes,liquid and item transfer pipes,etc. Maybe start a universal power unit for compatibility for other tech mods which would greatly help the modding community. If this post should go somewhere else tell me It is really a suggestion more than a rating.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      generally speaking, reviews are for what is IN a product, not for what you wish is in a product. As for growing plants faster: The Hydroponics Tray does exactly that. For other automation, thats what the Garden Bot mod is for. Not FU :)