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[FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6

Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod

  1. ReadBot
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    Love M107 .
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      i love it too. XD
      Thanks for feedback!
  2. Nukesdoom
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    When I'm trying to install this mod it says Accesses violation detected. do you know why?
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      you mean, When you click "Download now" button
      -> "Accesses violation detected" ?
      or, setup in "mod" folder and start starbounds make that crash?

      please talk to me your situation more detail :O
  3. Ghostie925
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    :D AWSOME MOD! LOVED IT SO FAR :3 but itd be awsomer if you could get certian soliders to follow/escort you like pets do and be able to bring them out at any time xD
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for feedback XD

      Already SCAA follower is added in my update list.
      but, still has problem :/

      wait next update :)
  4. Marrus
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks! :D
      wait for next update!
  5. Gabriel Rocha
    Gabriel Rocha
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    Excellent job!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)
      have a nice play!
  6. engjuipu
    Version: MOD1.0
    Awesome Mod!! I like it !

    However, there is one annoying thing I really dislike.
    Whenever I accidentally attack the NPC, they all turn on me.
    (and you know they have strong weapon)

    And I know there is one mod which CAN making the guard type NPC much more friendlier. I hope you can do the same.

    Seriously, I use my resources to creating them out.
    And then I have to kill them. What a waste, isn't it?

    Thanks for the great mod. :)
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      aha.I understood :D

      but, i think we need to more careful for that.
      please wait next update :)

      Thank you for feedback!
  7. dyhdyh123123
    Version: MOD1.0
    This is really impressive, game is running smoothly without any infinite loading and crash, thanks for sharing and if possible please add more real life guns to starbound XD
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your word!! :D
      if you want some guns, just tell me.

      i'll consider of it :)

  8. Master Cain
    Master Cain
    Version: MOD1.0
    while the mod looks great, i am unable to test it. installing the mod puts me into permaload and fills my log file with debugs of incorrect filepaths. please fix
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      I've already checked but, No problem with file path. :(

      you need to check directory :D

      If you had any crashs like that, that must be this reason.
      --> 1. installed wrong directory.
      2. Crashing with another mod.

      You must know this.
      I have checked this file almost thousand times.
      i had found lots of crashes, and fix it.

      This mod had been guaranted by hundreds of testers before being released here.

      So, this is solution.
      just follow plz :)

      #1 problem ----> find correct directory, and install.
      #2 problem ---->Delete Every Mod without GunshopMod. and reinstall.

      thank you. :)
  9. unoterminator
    Version: MOD1.0
    do only 3 stars because after spawning the guys I do not sell anything. when resolved the situational will'll put 5 stars.
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      thanks to feedback. :)

      you mean SCAA dosn't sell anything. right?

      first, you must check install direction. (this mod must be installed in 'mods' directory.

      seconds, this mod must be installed lastly.
      (because, your problem : Not selling anything - is merchant file crashing. i think.)

      this mod had hundreds of tests, and no problem was founded.

      that problem must be 'Mod crash' with another mods or, file problem.

      check that first, and give me mail.
  10. Music
    Version: Lyetzi's Gunshop MOD 1.0
    Awesome Balancing
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you :D Have a good game!
  11. Pohany
    Version: Lyetzi's Gunshop MOD 1.0
    really good
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you! Have a good game :D
  12. leviela
    Version: Lyetzi's Gunshop MOD 1.0
    I felt glad to test your MODs :)
    Strongly Recommend!

    if you use this, you'd better to buy [Armor] first.
    it needs many Energy, so you can't use it well with Impervium tier.
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks! :3

      ah, you r right.
      Armor is basic equipment in this MOD :D

      i forgot to write that for user... :( sry
  13. MestreCorrida
    Version: 0.0
    This looks really, really good. I just wish the guns were a bit smaller, it looks like they are too big compared with the player

    Also, my suggestions:

    Mosin Nagant (With bayonet)
    Barret M107
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks to feedback :)

      if reduce gun's texture , gun's quality can damaged...but, ill try. :D
      and also i'll try 'G36'series, PKM ..etc.
      :) it will be good for upgrading MOD's quality!

      thanks to your opinion :D