[h1]You can see the difference between vanilla and FFS[/h1]
[h1]1.How to play FFS[/h1]
1.Use 'c' key to open crafting menu.
2.Craft FFS radio and set it to your ship.
3.Use radio.
[h1]2.How to get the items of FFS[/h1]
1.Use'c'key to open crafting menu
2.Craft 'skip' item and set it to your ship.
3.Go to episode0 dropship.
[h1]3.V1.03 NPCs[/h1]
- Arms dealer Papachino(Grey apex)
- Medicine seller Chiquita (blond kid)
- Armor seller Yuri (purple hair)
- Mission gate seller Nadya (blond pilot)
- Weapon modification (Not available - Glitch Dr.breadnut)
[h1]1.Remove all your F.F.S gears. [/h1]
- weapons&armors&consumable..etc
[h1]2.Remove all your F.F.S objects.[/h1]
- Warning! if you don't do this, it can cause critical issue!
[h1]3.Unscribe this mod page.[/h1]
- Thank you for playing! See you next time! '-')/
(PST)2019.09.06 - V1.01 : Added checkpoints to whole floors.
(PST)2019.09.07 - V1.02 :
1.Added Skip EP0 & EP1 item to crafting menu.
It's price is EP0:5000000 & EP1:9999999
2.Modified drop table
(PST)2019.09.20 Night(20:00~24:00) - V1.03 :
1. New damage calculation is available.
2. New UI is updated. (FFS will not change basic ui.)
3. Revamped Whole weapons
4. 3,5,7,10Tier will be removed from drop table. (It will be added next episode.)
5. Jang-i-ho will drop Unique item 'Jang-i-ho's remnant'.
6. Episode0, 5th basement Psycho-pirates spaming is changed to Infected-pirates.
7. Episode1 lastboss's slash attack is slightly visible. & Nerf damage 100->90
8. Hidden dungeons is added. ( You can find it's location by reading codex from bosses.)
9. Protectorate service arms ( vz61 & makarov ) is attached tactical flashes.
10. Mouse cursor ( Aim ) is animated.
11. Mouse cursor is animated uniquely when reloading.
12. Mosin-nagant's reloading bug is fixed.
13. Energy bug from racemod is fixed.
14. Whole radio message from npc ( in chating box) is added.
15. And many bugs are fixed.
(PST)2019.09.22 - V1.03 hotfix 1 :
1. Fixed few scripts on boss's door.
(PST)2019.09.22 - V1.03 hotfix 2 :
1. Survivor difficulty will not drop items when player is dead.
[h1]1.Weapon modification[/h1]
[h1]2.Radio icon's animation[/h1]
[h1]3.NPC animation and UI[/h1]
-Night Emperor
- Breadnut (Ep.1 dungeon mapper)
- Meka6600 (W.I.P)
- Six (W.I.P)
- FFS Nanko Guns for FFS Mod
Link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1860195073
- Expanded weapons for FFSmod
Link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1864093558
- Hailix (Grammar fix)
"Titanic hits iceberg sound effect"
from The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company
facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram: @sdevonplayers
Jewel beat music
Free sound : EpicOrchestralCue_graham_makes
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

[FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6
Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod
Recent Updates
- FFSmodV200hotfix6 is released Apr 7, 2020
- FFSmodV200hotfix4 Apr 6, 2020
- FFS mod V200 hotfix 2 is released. Apr 4, 2020