Food and Fuel Farming - FFF
v. Indignant Koala
by rosedrake (rosett is my forums username)
Extract .zip - Put the folder FFF into \steamapps\common\Starbound\mods. Follow the readme contained within for more instructions.
1. Crafting station - Distillery
Make booze from wheat, corn, potatoes, and grapes!
And sourswill, from toxic tops.
An operation takes two vegetables in one go.
2. Crafting station - Grinder
Meat, fruit, and vegetables can be turned into mush.
Plant fibre will be turned into plant mush.
3. Crafting station - Canner
Combine the three kinds of edible mush into nutritious mush!
Which can then be canned. Restores 4 bars instead of 3!
4. Cottonseed crop
Gives a lot of plant fibre and seeds when harvested.
Found rarely in forest biomes anywhere in the universe.
5. Biodiesel and Bioethanol
Combining plant mush and sour swill and then canning it
and -then- distilling it produces biodiesel.
Grinding two cottonseed or four wheat seed produces seed oil.
Combine seed oil with sour swill, and then distill it
to get bioethanol.
6. Molotov
Combine fabric and bottles of bioethanol to make
molotov cocktails. 1500% more burny fun! Renewable!
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated FFF - Farmable Fuel and Food 1.2.2
Biodiesel, canned food, booze!
Recent Updates
- FFF - v1.2.2 Dec 17, 2013
- FFF - v1.2.1 Dec 15, 2013
- v1.2 Dec 13, 2013