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Female eating voice 0.2


  1. N13Azusa
    Changed eating and healing, buffing voice, it likes Metal G**r Survive.
    DO NOT use this with male character, it will be unnaturally!!!
    Because ALL race and gender voice will be changed to this.
    Voices from here : あみたろの声素材工房 http://www14.big.or.jp/~amiami/happy/voice.html
    Sample on Youtube :
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Updates

  1. Female eating voice

Recent Reviews

  1. Aratashi
    Version: 0.2
    Thank you, now my character will be more feminine
  2. senio
    Version: 0.2
    Thanks for your share.