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Felins 3.9.1

Catgirls in Space!

  1. Revenzous
    Version: 3.5.6B
    Meow = ' .' =
  2. Leinad Werecat
    Leinad Werecat
    Version: 3.5.6B
    I. Can be. A cat. In space. What more can I ask for? And it has its own custom item sets and ship and all that good stuff? Seriously, why would any cat-lover NOT get this? Download it! Use it! Felins shall RULE THE UNIVERSE!
  3. julamad
    Version: 3.5.6B
    Best race mod ever
  4. GeoGraf
    Version: 3.5.6B
    Meow! I Like the Felins Mod Race :3
  5. ryuguy20
    Version: 3.5.6B
    This is my favorite race mod =]
  6. NekoSoul
    Version: 3.5.6
    Well, a greatest mod in the world! This is the best reason for me to stick on this game. However, the Version 3.5.6 does not work with my starbound, so I use 3.5.5 instead :)
    Best Wishes to the mod builder!
  7. Cavenyanson
    Version: 3.5.5
    This mod is the Cat's meow!
    1. Kawa
      Author's Response
      ^ winner winner meowmix dinner
  8. mowoogie
    Version: 3.5.5
    i rate 5 due to this mod being one of the best i have seen for starbound, not only because it adds cat girls, but because of all the effort put forward to create custom lore that makes it fit right in.
  9. bobjoe7331
    Version: 3.5.5
    Anthropomorphized (I think that isn't a word :P) catgirls in space? Amazing! But I would like one thing though, Could you maybe do an EBS expansion? (Pun intended)
  10. Biocava
    Version: 3.5.5
    I really like this mod, and there's only one qualm I have with it. The ship. Why no bigger cockpit? You'd think given the sexualizing of catgirls, they'd have cockpits like no other. (But seriously, I just want a cockpit that follows normal size progression, 3-5.)
    1. Kawa
      Author's Response
      I smell a cock pit joke. SHAME ON YOU.
  11. LexyV
    Version: 3.5.5
    Awesome mod! i mean Space neko's? xP

    though, there's one thing that bothers me...WHY IS THE PET A GIAN MAGGOT?? maybe a little kitty would be better?

    -lols nvm tho, kudo's ^o3o^
    1. Kawa
      Author's Response
      It's a tentacle, actually. Not a maggot.
  12. beautyfrompain101
    Version: 3.5.5
    This mod pack is easy to download and fun to play! There are so many awesome and cute items! I usually hate Race mods, but the bunny and the felin one are the only ones i like, Keep making More please! :D
  13. Skippertomtom
    Version: 3.5.5
    Cats, sweaters, custom armor, simple, yet understandable lore, what could pawasibly go wrong?
    1. Kawa
      Author's Response
      Your puns could.
  14. Streiben
    Version: 3.5.5
    Cats are awesome.
    Cats in space? EVEN BETTER!
    Anthromorphed kitten in space?
    5/5 You rock! Woohoo!
    1. Kawa
      Author's Response
      "I know, I know; I'm awesome."
  15. Sailo
    Version: 3.5.5
    Much fluff, such cat! A very fluffy and adora-poof mod Kawa!! dont ever stop! :3 This pluss Avali = perfect SB x3
  16. suga2010
    Version: 3.5.5
    I love love love this race! This is my FAVORITE RACE! I love the lore and the concept of this race. All the items are very detailed and beautiful! I also adore the dialog. It is obvious a lot of time and creative talent has been put into this. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I look forward to seeing more of your work! ♥
  17. novalynx
    Version: 3.5.5
    This race may be like a human with catgirl appearance but really, It's been well maintained and the creator has dedicated a lot of her/his time, doing scripts for NPC's interactions and such, also Is constantly updating this and her race related mods. Keep the good work.
    1. Kawa
      Author's Response
      *sigh* I am a man.
  18. Corraidhín
    Version: 3.5.5
    How come I didnt rate this before?! Simply one of the most colorful races in Starbound! it ll certainly add a bit o good flavour to the mix! or any mix for that matter, colourful! lots of items, villages! and... something that looks like predator! also this race the oldest custom race whose developer is still keeping up to date, respect!
  19. PaperShift
    Version: 3.5.5
    The most well-thought out and well done race mod in the game! I love seeing you stay devoted to this amazing project! Keep up the good work!

    If I could make one request however, I'd love if I could dye the baby tee when spawning it :3
    1. Kawa
      Author's Response
      I might as well. Check back tomorrow for a shadow-update.
  20. spaztheninja
    Version: 3.5.5
    Great mod. Love how well this race fits in the game almost perfectly like they're supposed to be there. I also love how Kawa was able to implement settlements. Keep up the great work.