Familiars Race
Playable species mod for Starbound Beta v. 1.3
Created by Bitcoon
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The Familiars mod lets you play as my own little creations - a race of fuzzy glow dudes made physical by magical forces beyond their understanding.
The sprites for this mod were made from scratch, so this race is decidedly shorter in stature and somewhat differently shaped than other races.
However, this species is fully compatible with others.
-Fully custom sprite work (created from the ground up)
-Tons of colors and styles to choose from (2 fur colors, plus glow color, many options for each)
-Compatible with other species mods
-gets unique dialogue from every vanilla race
-Nifty respawn animation
-Custom namegen
1. Find a character creation extension mod, or use the (non-updated for new UI elements but still functional) Xander Kau mod included in the zip file. I personally recommend Kawa's "Xbox mode" one, as it's tested and works right with the new updates.
Note: you can run this mod without an extension mod alongside it, but you will not be able to select a familiar as your character.
2. Find your Starbound installation's mod directory. On Steam, the default is C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Starbound\mods
3. Extract the contents of "Starbound Familiars Mod.zip" into the mods directory. The folder structure should be mods\familiar\... so make sure it isn't mods\blahblah\familiar\...
4. Enjoy!
Be Aware
-The sprites are shorter than most races, so you may have to hide your armor. Transparent vanity items are given at the start, so you can hide anything that doesn't look right.
Contact Info
thebitcoon at gmail dot com
Twitter - @Bitcoon
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Familiars Race 2.51
Glowing Fuzzballs in Space
Recent Updates
- Quick fix for mechs Jun 9, 2017
- Big old balance and content update! Aug 10, 2016
- Quick fix Jul 24, 2016