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Equivalent Exchange for Starbound 3.1.5

Starbound mod inspired by Equivalent Exchange

  1. Adrian111534
    Version: 3.1.5
    Work without problems with 1.4.3, thank you.
  2. Sock_Bunny
    Version: 3.0.0
    *Drops some 'nice words' and punches the 'Like' button and kicks the 'Favorite' button*
    1. AlbertoRota
      Author's Response
      Wow! That was fast!
  3. kidman_XD
    Version: 0.0.0
    The mod is excellent by description, the idea is probably taken from the Equivalent Exchange mod 2 of minecraft :)
    1. AlbertoRota
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the review!
      Indeed, the idea was taken from it, I thought that it was clear, but after re-reading everything, it was nowhere!
      Now it's just after the title, to properly credit it! ;)
  4. Sock_Bunny
    Version: 0.0.0
    Awesome mod! At first it seemed like it'd be completely broken. 1000 water for 1000 points, 1000 points to 1000 titanium? Nope! That 1000 water is gonna get you 10 points, but 10 coal will get you 20 points.
    1. AlbertoRota
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the review!
      I try to balance it so that your main EMC income should always be "Studying", while "Burning" should be your last option for when you are only missing a few "EMC" and you really don't want to go mining/hunting/farming.