Moving a container without destroying your sorting is amazing
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Enhanced Storage 6.0.4
A quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound.
- 5/5,
Essential mod! Makes the game so much more enjoyable. Especially when it comes to moving from one place to another
- 5/5,
Being able to move filled containers without a pile of crap on the ground is pretty much the best thing ever.
- 5/5,
Awesome. Storage is a huge issue, especially with Frackin Universe. I could not play without this anymore. For the record, I went conservative and used the normal, not hoarder, edition.
Author's Response
Author's Response
Thanks for your review! I can upload an optional file for it.
- 5/5,
Great mod, any chance to add a search function and or (auto.) sorting function? :-)
- 5/5,
For the hoarder in all of us. Or the part of us that doesn't want 50 chests everywhere. For the architect, the hunter, the wanderer, for objects you don't need right now. This mod is the only reason i'm playing starbound and not making chests for half an hour to clean my inventory, or accidentally breaking chests and you know how much that sucks. Well done.
Author's Response
Thanks so much :)
River Song
- 5/5,
This is the FIRST mod that I've come across that actually works the way it's supposed to!! Thank you!!
George Abitbol
- 5/5,
Thank you for this mod. It is a gift from the gods.
Smashing containers while keeping the content inside is a game changer and should be in vanilla game. What were they thinking? Now I can change the layout of my ship without tediously removing the content of each container. And no more accidents!
I hate having my stuff scattered in tons of 16-24 slots containers that I have to put everywhere. Before this mod I was using several copies of the 64 slots ship locker, but now, with the increased containers size, I can have a nicer layout, with more space for decoration. It's great.-
Author's Response
Thanks for your review! ;)
- 5/5,
I can honestly say that this mod has been a saving grace for me when it comes to storage... Also more room for other stuff on my ship.
- 5/5,
I've used to use "Movable Containters" mod with Enraged Koala build, and I'm happy I've finally found its successor!
Thank you soooo much~! (\(^ะด^)/) -
- 5/5,
This + Creative Mode storage containers = OHMYGODI'MSOHAPPYYOU'RESOAWESOME
- 5/5,
Excellent Mod, as a hoarder this is an absolute life saver when I need to reorganize my stuff.
I did noticed that you stated this mod is working with Medical Potions mod but <Medical Cupboard> does not keep it's content when I tried to move it, perhaps you can take a look into this.-
Author's Response
Thanks for your review! the Medical Cupboard works fine with Enhanced Storage. Nevertheless I will take a look at this.
- 5/5,
Very nice. Thanks for this. :)
*downloads hoarder edition* >: ) -
- 5/5,
Very stable nicely done thx you for all your hard work.
Author's Response
And thanks for your suggestion and your review! ;)
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