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Outdated Dye Mod 2.1 (Enraged Koala)

Change the color of almost anything! (Previously Dyeing Bucket)

  1. JTDude
    Version: 2.1 (Enraged Koala)
    Works just as advertised!
  2. Dis_conected
    Version: 2.1 (Enraged Koala)
    this mod is a beauty for any one that values aesthetics this mod has soo much potential and every one recognizes this as fact. on that note i was wondering if i could use your mod in an avali centered mod pack without your mod it would be impossible to get the most aesthetically out of the avali and Catalina Industries mods thank you for your time
  3. Mace22
    Version: 2.1 (Enraged Koala)
    Love it, so simple yet so awesome! :D
  4. Aniconda80
    Version: 2.1 (Enraged Koala)
    Had a bit of trouble getting it to work for me but once I did it was well worth it. Thanks to the creator for making this and for answering my question promptly. Works very well.
  5. ksTakor
    Version: 2.1 (Enraged Koala)
    excellent mod
  6. Mr Ore
    Mr Ore
    Version: 2.1 (Enraged Koala)
    Amazing. I'm going to dye tons of weapons and give them away :). Simply the best mod I've seen by far.
  7. Hanumander
    Version: 2.1 (Enraged Koala)
    Outstanding mod, perfect way to further customize our game. Well done, very well done.
  8. foxguynecro
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    Hey i need to say this keep up the good work this is the best mod ever i loved it!!
  9. ReijiGazpacho
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    To think that tens of thousands of crafting recipes can be condensed so well is simply amazing. You have truly outdone yourself, MrMagical.
  10. Camtire
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    I am absolutely amazed with the complete revamp. The dye station does something I've been trying to figure out how to code in for weeks. Great job :D
  11. SmaugTheDragon
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    I loved dyeing in Terraria, good to know it is possible in Starbound too.
  12. Greenka
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    I cant believe in it. U already update mod :3
  13. DaWrecka
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    Sweet fancy Moses, yes. Finally my ladies can look as fabulous as they deserve to. This is a really impressive mod. I'm probably going to be voraciously analysing the code just to learn more. Best kind of mod, one that teaches as well as amuses.
  14. Duroth
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    An amazing mod. The 2.0 revised interface is just a little bit counterintuitive at first, but with the added color hues, I understand how the old system would no longer be viable. This mod is definitely a must-have, and if Chucklefish knows what they're doing, this will be implemented into vanilla Starbound before long.

    If I have to add one small point of comment, it's that the "Can't dye this item" is a popup dialog that I need to click to close. Perhaps this could be changed to a speech bubble?
    1. MrMagical
      Author's Response
      When mod support improves, so will the interface of this mod.
      I don't think I can make the player character speak but the popup can be closed by pressing Escape.
  15. debugman18
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    With the change-over to a Dye Station, along with the new interface, this mod fits right in with vanilla. Great mod, and it doesn't unbalance the game!
  16. DeltaV
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    Amazing mod, amazing overhaul, amazing everything.
  17. Boogy
    Version: 2.0 (Enraged Koala)
    This is a must have for any creative type, lot of color options for equipment, as well as for objects, and new system is outstanding!
  18. Rotten Fiend
    Rotten Fiend
    Version: 1.6 (Furious Koala)
    More or less reliable, which is critical. The first mod I decided to install, hopefully there will be a "Shut up and take my Money" button for good mods, even though usually they're free.
  19. Celestial Katoika
    Celestial Katoika
    Version: 1.6 (Furious Koala)
    Perfect mod for coloring your armor. However, the problem is where you place a bucket in your ship and the game updates, you can never play that character again until the mod is updated. Please update it quickly :'[
  20. QShadow
    Version: 1.6 (Furious Koala)
    I dont know why I didnt get this way earlier.
    Works wirh Enraged Koala too, just change the version in the modinfo file.