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Outdated Departmento Munitorum - Commissariat Version 4.6

Imperial Commissar Uniforms and Weapons (Warhammer 40K)

  1. Enraged Koala Compatibility Update

    Small update for Enraged Koala compatibility. No new content or mechanics in this version, but changes are in progress.
    Mehridian likes this.
  2. Minor Update for Tabula Rasa Mod Filter Support

    Minor Update

    Pushed a minor update which includes the following;

    • Updated modinfo file.
    • Tabula Rasa "Custom Mod Filter" support
    • Power Klaw can now mine small area and cut down trees (as well as kill enemies). Needs tweaked.

    Mehridian and Lynx88 like this.
  3. Furious Koala Compatibility

    Small update to enable mod with Beta Version - Furious Koala. No new content, but all existing content has been verified as working in new Starbound beta version.
    Mehridian and Lynx88 like this.
  4. Version 3.0 - Content Update

    Version 3.0 - Content Update

    This version includes a ton of new exciting features, changelog below;

    • The Tabula Rasa support for all items.
    • Aimable "Power Klaw" melee weapon (see note, below).
    • Void Shield cloak/back item.
    • "Bale-Eye" augmetic enhanced vision.
    • Improved Chainsword teeth (still not animated, yet).
    • Improved Bolt Gun round - now explodes on impact dealing area damage.

    Commissar Yarrick's...
    Mehridian and Lynx88 like this.
  5. Update Version 2.0

    Update 2.0

    Just unzip and drop the ImperialCommissar folder into your mod directory. OVERWRITE all existing files, if you have version 1.0 installed. Your existing characters and items WILL work. Any issues with installation, please let me know.

    Improved male/female Uniform artwork/animations.
    Updated Chainsword artwork.
    New weapon: Bolt Pistol. Slow firing, semi-auto, packs a heavy punch.