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Outdated Departmento Munitorum - Commissariat Version 4.6

Imperial Commissar Uniforms and Weapons (Warhammer 40K)

  1. Version 3.0 - Content Update

    Version 3.0 - Content Update

    This version includes a ton of new exciting features, changelog below;

    • The Tabula Rasa support for all items.
    • Aimable "Power Klaw" melee weapon (see note, below).
    • Void Shield cloak/back item.
    • "Bale-Eye" augmetic enhanced vision.
    • Improved Chainsword teeth (still not animated, yet).
    • Improved Bolt Gun round - now explodes on impact dealing area damage.

    Commissar Yarrick's "Bale-Eye"

    Augmetically enhanced vision, providing night vision in dark areas and the ability to see a lot further away from your character (hold ctrl + drag mouse).

    Future work: add ability to shoot short range laser weapon from eyeball.


    Commissar Yarrick's Power Klaw

    Commissar Yarrick's Ork power Klaw - an extremely powerful melee weapon that is fully aimable, unlike other swords/melee.

    Future work: enhance sprite - If you hold it in the hand facing the player, you will see the player's hand. This will be corrected if possible. The Klaw will also be able to function as a limited power tool in future (mining, tree cutting, etc).


    Commissar Yarrick's Viod Shield

    The Imperial Guard Codex 5th Edition states that Yarrick is shielded and can take more damage than other units of his class. I've interpreted this as him having a "Void Shield".

    This shield is a back-item and provides a good level of shielding. However, the penalty for use is that your Energy Regeneration is severely crippled.

    Future work: The shield needs tweaked. I have not tested it against higher level monsters, it may be under or overpowered. The animations of the shield will also be updated. A void shield converts kinetic energy of impacts into sound and light - this will be reflected in later releases.

    void2.gif.gif void3.gif.gif.gif

    Gaunt's Bolt Pistol - Exploding Bolts

    Gaunt's Bolt Pistol has been updated to fire slow moving exploding bolts. They pack a huge punch but the time between shots is considerable. The bolts deal a small area-effect damage when exploding.

    Future work: Add a drop off to the bolt round as it travels over distance. It's a heavy round; wouldn't expect it to travel in a straight line forever.



    None of the items in this mod have been tweaked for later levels of play. They are massively overpowered in the early game, so if you're in for a challenge please wait until mid-late game to try them out.

    I am planning a full playthrough using the weapons/items in the mod and once that is complete I will have a better idea of their power levels and what tweaks are necessary.


    If you have installed this mod before - please TRASH all items from previous versions. Save your game. Delete the old mod version and unpack the new version to the mod folder.

    Let me know if you have issues!
    Mehridian and Lynx88 like this.
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