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Outdated Deckard's Coat and Pants 1.05y | Enraged Koala

They don't advertise for killers in the newspaper. That was my profession. Ex-cop. Ex-blade runner.

  1. updated for Enraged Koala

    As always, let me know if you encounter issues.
  2. I was quit when I came in here. I'm twice as quit now.

    Back in action. It works again.
  3. fixed .pak

    For real this time. Let me know if you have further problems.
  4. now in .pak format for Furious Koala

    Let me know if you experience issues.
    Enertas likes this.
  5. Fixed issues experienced by some Windows users

    Fixed an issue some Windows users were experiencing where the mod crashed Starbound upon loading.
  6. Addressed recipe appearance issue for some users

    Some users weren't having the recipe show up in the spinning wheel menu. I've added player.config file that should address this issue.
  7. Easier Mod Installation

    Now packaged according to the new mod installation methods. All you have to do is unzip this file into your ~/Starbound/mods folder or whichever folder you have bootstrap.config reading for mods.