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Outdated Combustible Lemons 0.99 - Enraged Koala

Grow your own and change the face of the universe... literally.

  1. gp2.eXe
    combustiblelemonbannerleft.png Combustible Lemons combustiblelemonbannerright.png
    Current supported version: Beta v. Enraged Koala


    -Excerpt from Dave Jensen's Recordings-

    "Greetings, starbound fellow. Let me ask you a question.
    Have you ever wondered why is so much of our science safe?
    I certainly have, and is exactly why I think we don't have
    enough advancements. Do you want to help improve our life
    quality? Do you want to feel the fulfillment of discovery?

    Well, first you and I have to encourage those who practice
    this so-called... "safe" science into a better path. And
    for that I have developed a few things that will...
    encourage them indeed. What do you do when Life gives you
    lemons? Are you thinking Lemonade? I used to think so too.
    But a great man taught me more about it, and with his
    support I may have found a better answer. Now we can finish
    together what was started, for science."

    Welcome to Combustible Lemons, the mod that lets you make stuff out of slightly unstable fruit.


    The base mod adds more content to craft, including:

    • Three crafting stations
    • A new farmable plant with produce
    • Two new cooking recipes
    • A research system. Not too complex but it does the job
    • A few weapons

    The most important of which is the Combustible Lemon, a throwable device capable of setting on fire anything it comes in contact with. This here is science people!

    The mod also has support for the Tabula Rasa mod, so that players who just want to see the content without having to go through the research system can do so. You still need to find the materials for crafting though. Have fun exploring the universe!


    Simply unzip and drop the Combustible Lemons folder into the "Starbound/mods" folder. That's it, the mod is ready to use. To uninstall follow the same procedure, just remove the Combustible Lemons folder and it will be gone.

    If you are updating to a new version of Combustible Lemons, remember to delete the previous version and then replace it with the new one. This prevents issues caused by old files merging with the new folder.


    To start your journey to science, you must first complete Tier 2, in other words, defeat the boss in the Beta sector and make a Robotic Crafting Table. This gives you the ability to craft the Portable Pixel Printer. Once you use the PPP in addition to the recipes you normally learn, you also get three new recipes at the Robotic Crafting Table. These are for the crafting stations, namely the Scientific Research Table, Scientific Research Kit and Engineering Terminal.

    The Scientific Research Table allows funding and research.
    The Table can be used to start what would be a very basic lab. In here you have the option of turning pixels into Funds. Science isn't free you know? With your newly found resources you can now start researching things. But how?

    Funds can be used to get Research Data at the Kit

    Good question my friend. Here is where the Research Kit comes into play. Simply drop your well earned funds into the Kit and hit research, then steadily begin testing and record everything you find. Once you have enough Data, go back to your Table and develop whatever you want to create. The first thing you will likely want to research is the Plant Genetics Resequencing project.

    The Engineering Terminal takes raw materials and
    constructs things based on your blueprints.

    After you successfully research a project you will need somewhere to turn it from the blueprint to an actual object, and the Engineering Terminal is the tool fit for the job.
    Anything you can make from research, in other words, all blueprints crafted at the table will appear in the Engineering Terminal.

    A possible Lemon Farm setup.

    Apart from the things you can craft at these stations, harvesting your first Lemon lets you make a couple of new recipes at any kitchen object. Due to the nature of the ingredients you will get some buffs once consumed. Choose wisely, do you want to fight with burning passion or with flying burning fruit?

    After you are done making your first exploding Lemons and burning stuff down, you may notice you have more research at your disposal. What kind of secrets lie in wait of being discovered?

    Advanced Usage

    This section covers hints of things that are not immediately apparent while using the mod. It is more extensive information that will help you get the most out of your Lemon experience.

    Unlocking new research gives you small benefits to gameplay. Here are the most notable ones:

    -The very first advantage to the Scientific Research Table and Kit is turning your Pixels into Funds, and then Funds into Research Data, which you then use to get Blueprints. But what if you invested more Pixels than you needed to and have a surplus of unused Funds? Well, in this day and age Data is still valuable, and if you don't mind dealing with some shady Apex you could License said Data at the Kit for a 20% loss of your original funding. This is then basically a slightly better Pixel storage than the vanilla Pixel Compressor, and you get it earlier. The downside is that it takes longer to store and recover large quantities of Pixels.
    To use this function just drop Research Data into the Research Kit and click the button for your Pixels.

    -After you get your first Lemon Seeds, you can start farming Lemons. But these are no ordinary lemons, oh no no... they are engineered to be highly flammable but still edible. Lemons have all sorts of uses, they can be used as Food when you're in a fix, and also give a burning buff that increases your running speed and jump height. A constant Lemon supply makes traversing big planets less of a hassle.

    They can also be used in cooking of course, which improve the benefits. The recipes you can make are Lemonade, which is not so good to get rid of hunger but works as a quick Health shot. Lemonade can indeed be spammed to quickly get back on your feet or safely escape a dangerous encounter. The other recipe is Lemon Pie, this gives you a massive health regen boost, excellent choice for an endgame Bandage substitute.

    -Further Lemon research begins with the Combustible Lemons, which can be crafted rather easily once you unlock them. These buggers have a considerable potential for high damage to enemies, generally one will be enough to dispose of a group at Tiers 3 or 4, making them very useful allies. They are especially powerful in tight spaces and caves.

    Next up is an upgraded version, the Cluster Lemo-nade, or C-Lemo-nade for short. Unlike the Combustible Lemons, the C-Lemo-nades don't explode on contact with objects, because they are first sliced then encased in a protective Ferozium layer. Their explosive power is enhanced by splitting into several Lemon Slices after some time, each one burning and blasting on impact. Skilled players can bounce them off obstacles to hit enemies out of their line of sight. These are a bit more dangerous to player bases, they will destroy blocks so caution is advised when using them.

    Finally at the top of the research line, we find my personal favorite. The C.L.L. which stands for "Cluster Lemo-nade Launcher". This baby is deceptively effective at delivering the so deserved Lemons back to Life. Upon closer inspection you will notice that the weapon itself is a modified blender machine. We basically take a bunch of Lemo-nades, blend them into Lemonade, then a lot of crazy stuff happens inside that I can't even tell you about, then it all gets printed back into a new powered up Lemo-nade. The remaining Lemonade is then ignited to launch the Lemo-nade into the designated Lemo-nade Receiver Target, and then you can enjoy some Lemonade while you admire the fruit of your labor. Which is likely a pile of scorched matter. Don't be put off by the fact that it shows a rather low DPS value, this is an endgame weapon that can easily bring down Tier 10 creatures and structures.

    Apart form those tips, each placeable object (and some items) in the mod have some custom racial description when you examine them. This is obviously a minor thing and it doesn't affect gameplay but it is there if you want to check them out.

    About the mod
    This mod was inspired by a suggestion thread a while back, and I started making it just for fun. It quickly became more of a learning project for me however. This is my first mod for Starbound, so I would really appreciate any feedback/suggestions/rants as it helps me improve. :idea: And no doubt there is a high chance that I broke something up, but I would need a bit of help finding out what.
    Also just because these mods exist it does not mean we don't need more explosive fruit in the vanilla game, get to it devs! :DD

    Anyway, I will still update the mod with some detail polishing that I have pending, as well as re-balancing, bug fixing etc. if there is the need. And who knows, there may be even more content coming out of this in the future, I have some ideas already and I'm also open to suggestions.

    If you like this mod, you may want to take a look at the following ones:

    -Frackin' Flora - Adds lots of farmables that you can make stuff with, including some explosive ones too.

    -Industrialization: Starbound Edition - You surely have seen it already, but if not, it also has tons of content for those that like researching and farming, then turning it into complex things.

    I hope you have as much fun with this as I had making it!
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.


    1. starbound_opengl 2014-01-24 14-21-52-879.jpg
    KieroAshkore and chewfaimau like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. BadMojo
    Version: 0.98
    Burning people... He says what we're all thinking!
  2. sayter
    Version: 0.98
    Thanks for mentioning my mod (Frackin'Flora) :) This is a great start here. I'll add compatability in the Extractor in my mod for your lemons ASAP.
    1. gp2.eXe
      Author's Response
      Not a problem, yours really is a great mod. It's a shame I had not seen it before I started development of mine, I discovered it when I was around version 0.95 and I went "oh look, that's pretty sweet and explosive too, maybe I didn't need to make this". :P

      Hearing about more compatibility is great, thank you so much for that. :D