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Outdated Colored UI 2 colors at this time

It makes your UI Colored =)

  1. Jelu
    I played the game for many hours and was tired of black and gray UI. And I thought, why not repaint it? I liked it and I decided to share with you people. And if you like, I'll do a few more colors UI.
    Live long and prosper \ \ / / _

    Install it like any other mod!

    Accept any criticism!

    Sorry for the bad English =(
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.


    1. Screen1.png
    2. Screen2.png
    3. Screen3.png
    4. Screen2.png
    5. Screen1.png

Recent Updates

  1. Colors to all =)

Recent Reviews

  1. Clawnoob
    Version: 2 colors at this time
    Excellent! Please, add more colors! Great mod!
  2. Zockaking
    Version: 2 colors at this time
    This new colored UI Looks very nice! Thanks for the good work :)
  3. Mtax
    Version: 2014-07-07
    Make more color variations, and this would be epic mod. :P
    1. Jelu
      Author's Response
      Ok ! I just planed it =P