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Outdated Chessmaster Mod V1 2014-07-10

All chess pieces, now in both Black and White.

  1. Phasta

    This mod adds black chess pieces to the game!


    All chess pieces can now be crafted through the Metalwork Station in game as a tier one item. Each piece is priced at 100 pixels. The mod also alters the chess pieces so they can be placed on walls as well as shelves. My initial intention was to make both the pieces and specific black and white shelves for them to sit on, however having them stick to walls was the better solution.

    Ultimately I may work on having a specific "Chessmaster" NPC that you can spawn in game who would sell you these chess pieces, possibly checkers pieces, etc. (Hence the name of the mod.) The problem here being I am basically learning the code as I go, so I have a few kinks to work out. I'd also like to know what other things people might think would work well for this mod. Maybe suggestions for other board game pieces that could work.

    For now though, the mod is simple. Less complexity = less room for error. I will say as with any mod you'll want to back up your player and universe folders before trying it out. I have tested it many times and not had problems, but I am basically learning as I go like most people, so play it safe.

    If you run into any issues be sure to point them out in the feedback. Also if anyone who has more knowledge of what they're doing with the coding wants to expand upon the mod, add the npc element, etc. feel free. This one now belongs to the internets.

    Devs, if you want to pull apart this one and use the .png files in the game for the official fix when the black pieces to the game, you are free to do so. Literally all I did was alter their levels in photoshop with the same variation on each piece so they appeared darker than the white pieces.


    Thanks to EJOTZ from the sbreddit server for showing me your awesome board and in effect influencing me to do this. Here's the post if anyone wants to check out his build:


    Also thanks to the creator of the "Miner Spawner" mod:


    Simply because in order to figure out what pieces of code I would need to make this work, I ended up more or less experimenting with and dissecting this mod's code. I've still not quite sorted out why my npc is not working on the version I would like to make, but I know a lot more now than when I started. Thank you!

    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. ok373
    Version: 2014-07-10
    Great now i can achieve my chess empire >:3