Inspired by a Reddit thread expressing sadness at the lack of black chess pieces in the game, I thought I'd try my hand at creating alternate pieces with a simple recolouring of the existing white textures.
Since another chess piece mod already exists, I thought I'd add some extra value and create red ones too. I tried to model the shading after the shiny look of lacquered chess sets.
Tabula Rasa is required to craft the pieces. The derivative pieces are crafted by combining dyes with the original stone pieces. Red Dye is used for the red pieces, while Coal is used for the black ones (since Black Dye isn't yet in the vanilla game).
This is my first attempt at a mod, so creative criticism is most welcome! Do the textures look okay? Should the crafting be done differently? Is there anything else a mod like this should include?
Some possible later additions for the mod:
- More custom text! Currently only the Red Queen has some semi-interesting texts set on it. If you have suggestions for possible descriptions or race inspection text, please suggest it!
- Ivory / Lacquered White pieces perhaps? Or are the vanilla stone ones good enough?
- More colours? Yellow? Blue?
- A platform-style chess board decoration/block? Completely useless for actual chess, but useful for creating that authentic lawn chess appearance.
- Toppled pieces?
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Outdated Checkmate 0.1
Red and Black chess pieces