this update was supposed to be bigger, but some things took much more time than expected (like PRICES). so here the changelog:
-added tags
everything weapon related has 'combat' tag; skulls, blood and so on (some paintings as well) are 'spooky'; wall signs have 'commerce'; food related things got 'cooking' etc.
heres the quick testing room to get merchant:
-added prices
now that u can sell everything, prices are needed so u cant cheat.
hopefully they make sense.
(to use the mod freely, u can always add more money via console; hopefully theres gonna be creative mode one day)
*prices and tags need testing and of course are subject to change*
-new things and tiles:
the redwood blocks are heavily inspired by mahogany blocks from pack & print mod.
i hope the author wont be mad at mecouldnt resist adding
the brown door is from previous sb, but its recoloured now and i really like the old version.
as usual feedback is appreciated
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Castlevania 1.3.2
Objects ripped from Castlevania games + a few misc things