Why make this?
Because I haven't seen anyone else release one yet for Upbeat Giraffe.
What exactly does it do?
Gives you a MASSIVE build area to make your own ship, block by block. Recent testing shows that the build area is essentially a planet 2048 blocks wide, meaning if you made a 2048 block long path it'd wrap around and touch itself. This includes ample amounts of ship-specific building materials such as captains chairs, storage lockers, etc, from each race's color scheme. It also includes numerous engine thrusters... they differ by the sprite alignment when placed.
There are two options to use this, a .shipworld replacer and a full mod. The .shipworld replacer replaces your current ship with a brand new ship as seen in the screenshot. The full mod makes all races' ships of all tier levels into the buildable ship, but the ship locker isn't prepopulated with ship building items. Instead, you get them after picking up your flashlight for the first tutorial quest. The full mod won't change any of your current ships but will allow you to progress in tiers and keep your buildable ship (with possibly some small cleanup after each upgrade). The .shipworld replacer lets you change your current ship without using the mod. Both are multiplayer compatible, but the mod only works if you upgrade your ship at SAIL offline. If you're running a server, I do NOT recommend using the mod as an official mod.
Installing the .shipworld replacer
1) Go into starbound\giraffe_storage\player
2) Find your character's .shipworld file
4) Rename this mod's .shipworld file to your character's .shipworld file
Installing the full mod
1) Put the "buildaship" folder into your starbound\giraffe_storage\mods folder
Custom races
I'm not supporting custom races for the "mod" portion of this. You can still use the .shipworld replacer as normal, but you'll of course lose any custom race-specific built-in ship just as you would a vanilla built-in ship.
Tips and tricks
You can reset your spawnpoint to the location you're standing on by typing:
You can also protect your ship by typing:
/settileprotection 65532 true
/settileprotection 65535 true
You can turn it off by changing "true" to "false".
Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
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Outdated Buildable Custom Shipworld File/Mod (UPBEAT GIRAFFE) Version 1.2a
This is a .shipworld file and a mod which both let you build your own ship in Upbeat Giraffe.
Recent Updates
- Research Station addition Feb 1, 2015
- Two options to use now plus T8 fix Feb 1, 2015
- Fixed huge bug Jan 31, 2015