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Outdated BIONICLE - Toa Mata Weapon Pack 1.2

Fight your way through the galaxy with the Toa Mata's weapons!

  1. Update 1.2 - Takanuva's Staff of Light

    Feathery Dust
    -------------------- What's new? ---------------------
    In this update (version 1.2) I've added a 6th weapon to the game, based off of Toa
    Takanuva's Staff of Light, with a Tier 1 version, and what I like to call a Tier 11 version, which
    is stronger than most Tier 10 spears.

    Here's a picture:

    That's it for now! I can't think of much to add to this mod so it's likely that the next thing I make will be a completely different mod, we'll see.
  2. Update 1.1 - Tier 10 and new designs

    Feathery Dust
    -------------------- What's new? ---------------------
    In this update (version 1.1) I've added Tier 10 versions of all 5 weapons which all have new textures, so you can tell the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 10.

    Here's a GIF which shows the weapons and their new Tier 10 versions:

    Well that's it for now! Next update I'll try to add in some Kanohi Masks, and possibly Takanuva's...