Better Junimos
Finally a mod to improve Junimo huts to make them worth it!
Significantly improve Junimos: automatically plant crops, fertilize, work for a fee, increase range, and more!
Plant crops and fertilize
Place seeds/fertilizer in your JunimoHut chests and the Junimos will automatically fertilize any open tilled spot and plant your seeds for you!
Leaf Umbrellas and work in rain
Adds leaf umbrellas to Junimos when it is raining (Thank you to @paradigmnomad for the incredibly cute assets)
Pay your Junimos
You can now pay your Junimos! Set a small configurable item fee for their labor.Place their requested item (e.g. a foraged item or fruit) in their chest, and the Junimos will start working
Increase working area
You can increase the area/radius that the Junimos will work and wander in
- Super configurable
- Fixes a native Stardew Valley bug where Junimo Huts 'disable harvest' button would disappear
- Press O to spawn a Junimo
- Can optionally not consume your seeds (still need at least one seed in the chest to know which type of crops to grow)
"JunimoCapabilities": { # extra things Junimos can do
"PlantCrops": true, # should the Junimos plant crops for you
"FertilizeCrops": true # should the Junimos fertilize for you
"JunimoImprovements": { # upgrades to Junimos
"CanWorkInRain": true, # should the Junimos work even when it's raining
"MaxRadius": 8 # set the area/radius that the Junimos will work and wander in
"JunimoPayment": { # pay your junimos
"WorkForWages": false, # should your Junimos work for payment?
"DailyWage": {} # what should they be paid (in the Junimo hut chest) every day?
"FunChanges": {
"JunimosAlwaysHaveLeafUmbrellas": false, # the cutest thing ever, always
"InfiniteJunimoInventory": false # can give Junimos infinite seed packets/fertilizer
Future (based on what YOU say you want in the comments):
- Junimos should be paid (a small item fee for their work)- Increase range
- Increase speed
- Pet your animals
- Water your plants
- Scare off crows
- Break any farm debris (wood/stone/etc)
- Hoe your dirt
- Harvest from the cave
- Open/close your barn/coop doors
- Collect random in-season forage items
This mod is compatible with Better Fruit Trees which allows Junimos to harvest fruit trees!
**Requires the latest version of SMAPI and SDV 1.3.x beta**
Feel free Chat on Discord if you have any issues or ideas!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Better Junimos 0.2.0
Significantly improve Junimos: automatically plant crops, fertilize, work for a fee, increase range,