• New items (tools, weapons, throwables, objects, blocks, buffing, food, blueprints)!
• Some more 2-handed weapons have alt abilities now
• New sprites for various items, thanks to Nuggubs, Zygan, and Rho! (Some food and objects)
• Improvements to Shield tech
• Balancing adjustments
• Status Pods now have more options: run/jump/glow/rage/protection gas, shrapnel
• Esther now has some alternate dialogue if spoken to while the quest 'Opening the Ark' is active and the Ark is open
-=- New -=-
• New sprites for various Betabound and vanilla items, by Nuggubs!
• New food item made from poisoncreep: Pickled Poisoncreep! Unlock the recipe by obtaining poisoncreep
• Feather Powder! Inflict a short levitation effect on both yourself and those nearby. Find it in chests or discover the crafting recipe!
• New weapons: Rainbow Spear and Arcsword! Both can be found or crafted (rainbow spear requires blueprint).
• New tools: Ice Piton and Hookshot! Find the former, craft the latter.
• New throwable item: Stun Mines! Buy them from an upgraded Peacekeeper store
• Standard Issue Wall Panel is now obtainable! Rarely sold by Apex merchants
• Obsidian Bookcase is now obtainable! Rarely sold by Avian merchants
• Large Tentacle and Ruin Dermis blocks are now obtainable! Find them on the Ruin or craft them from Tentacle Cluster blocks (pick up Tentacle Clusters to unlock the recipes)
-=- Changes -=-
- Weapons
• Bone Axe now appears more frequently in bone surface biomes
• Bone Axe now craftable after finding the blueprint
• Magic Shroom Swords now come in multiple colors. Red, green, and blue
• Bone Shotgun has an alt ability: Bloody Vomit
• Crappy two-handed weapons now have alt abilities
- Sprites
• New sprites, made by Nuggubs! Affected sprites: All jams/salsas, Peanut Butter Jar, Big Ape Cross-Stitch icon, Organic Torch.
• New food sprites for Meaty Metal Stew, Revolting Stew, Chili Stew
• New 'on a plate' sprites for Coffee, Flat White, Mocha, Carrot/Kiwi/Cactus/Tomato/Grape/Pineapple/Avesmingo/Toxic/Ultimate/Alien Fruit/Reef Juice, Automato/Reef Shake, Sweet/Tropical Punch, Hot Hot Hotpot, Meatballs, Milk, Bolted Milk, Whiskey/Rootpop Flask, Orangenergy/Wine/Cordial Glass, Bloody Puss, Ham Sandwich
• New 'on a plate' sprites, made by Zygan, for Boiled Pearlpeas, Popcorn, Sweet Popcorn, Boiled Rice, Baked Potato
• New 'on a plate' sprites, made by Rho, for Banana
• New inventory icons for Rusty Prison Shower, Prison Shower
• Removed some of Betabound's object resprites that Nuggubs's Vanilla Texture Pack does a better job with (metal crate, primitive crate, market clothes stall, wrecked crate, market weapon stall)
- Equipment
• Swinging Vine and Slime Hand Grapple now have landing sound effects
• Grappling Hook now visibly has a hook in the muzzle until you shoot it
• Altered Force Field tech description to make it clearer how it differs from the Shield tech
• Betabound will no longer attempt to stack blueprints if OpenStarbound is installed, because it makes blueprints stackable.
• Certain items are now visually held (GPS, Time-Telling Wrist Mechanism (now known as Watch), Health Monitor, Portable Radio, Toxic Flower (now known as Photosynthesis Panel), Survival System, All-Seeing Cape, Portable 3D Printer)
• Renamed Toxic Flower (held item) to Photosynthesis Panel, changed description and inventory icon
• Removed Automatic Parachute Pack as it was redundant with the wearable Parachute Pack and the Parasol item. Any existing copies of this item will be replaced with suitable replacement items.
• Rename Time-Telling Wrist Mechanism to Watch. The description is still extremely redundant (intentionally so), I think it's better to have the joke in the description. Plus, it was actually known as the 'Time-Telling W. M." in-game because its name was so long. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk!
• When StarExtensions or OpenStarbound is installed, the Health Monitor no longer shows hunger if you do not have a hunger bar
- Shield Tech
• Now prevents energy from regenerating while active
• Reduced energy consumption when shield is hit multiple times
• Reduced energy consumption upon activation
• Reduced minimum amount of damage required to activate the shield
• Shield effect is now fullbright
- Radio
• Default tracks are now sorted properly instead of being appended to the end of the list
• Default tracks are now colored yellow in the interface
- Misc
• Increase tech chip price
• Change red apple description to use part of the unused green apple description
• Crafting menus now show food rot estimates
• Change paint description to more clearly explain that it hueshifts blocks
• Weapon drops from bounty-hunting gang member NPC's are no longer absurdly rare. They drop handcuffs too, sometimes!
• Star Pawn item stack count is now randomized. For example, if it draws 4 copper bars, it will then choose (1-4) bars
• Status Pods now have more options: run/jump/glow/rage/protection gas, shrapnel
• Esther now has some alternate dialogue if spoken to while the quest 'Opening the Ark' is active and the Ark is open
• Core Fragments now act as ship fuel
• Tentacle tree drops change from 3 tentacle juice to 90% of dropping 2 tentacle juice and 10% chance of dropping 2 raw tentacles
-=- Recipes -=-
• Banana Bread recipe output increased to 2, stats of banana bread halved. This is because it was a duplicate of battered banana
• Replaced 'swap two T5 bar and one platinum bar for a different T5 bar' recipes for 'swap one refined rubium and one platinum bar for any T5 ore' recipes
• Peacekeeper shop offers that require 18 peace credits and a teleporter core now require 15 peace credits and a teleporter core
• Gravity suit tech is now craftable
-=- Bug Fixes -=-
• Star Pawn orientation fix
• Modern Ladder shows its large image in tooltip
• Stationary Radio no longer shows music particles after being activated via disconnecting a wire connection while set to not play any music
• Reduced the amount of data used to save music sheet items
• Cutarrh and Katarrhna no longer do physical damage with some of their projectiles
• Toby Fox is now properly credited as the author of the 'Jukebox' track
• Having multiple radios within range no longer causes music to flicker as they fight for dominance
• Fix Betabound machine pistols not counting as machine pistols for quests/mods that check weapon types, ie for classes/jobs or weapon proficiencies
• Fix meatjuice tooltip not having enough space for its rot timer
• Target/Random Blink's blink effect now blinks a fullbright blink
• Fix light-emitting objects not filtering under 'light' in the Portable Pixel Printer
• Vanilla bug: fix grappling hook not showing its large image in its tooltip
• Fix shield level labels not showing for certain shields
• Fix polygon platforms not having a purple paint variant
• Fix Lightweight Watering Can not staying still when firing and having a muzzle flash
• Make Research Station ignore color codes when sorting recipes
• Vanilla bug: fix Peacekeeper Vending Machine platform collision not fully covering the object's surface
• Fix vanilla grey dye acting weirdly on pulse rifles
• Betabound now checks if Project Redemption spawned some disabled NPC's in the outpost before spawning them
-=- Technical Changes/Translation Notes -=-
• Moved some crafting station titles/subtitles from their object file to their interface file in `/interface/windowconfig`
• Blueprints regenerate their item parameters upon failure to unlock recipe. Useful if its recipe data is outdated due to mod updates
• Moved weapon recipe parameters from their recipe files to their weapon files, under 'craftedParameters'. This is so blueprints work when passed to/from players using translation mods, since the blueprint would inherit the (un)translated weapon name as a custom parameter for the recipe. As a result, the player versioning script needs to update the player's recipe list. You can update `/xrc/deployment/versioning/0018z-31.json` with the values used in the recipe files- Betabound will check if the player has any recipes that give those items, and if so, give them the updated blueprint. You may want to add values for your language rather than replacing the English ones, since a player may have unlocked a recipe before installing a translation patch
• New message: `sb_uimessages\blueprints\blueprintFail.currency`
• Moved `sb_techstation` folder from `/objects/crafting` to `/objects/upgrade`
• Moved Absorption tech from `/tech/starbound/bio` to `/tech/starbound/absorption`
• Moved Enhanced Healing tech from `/tech/starbound/bio` to `/tech/starbound/enhancedhealing`
• Moved Force Field tech from `/tech/starbound/bio` to `/tech/starbound/forcefield`
• Moved Tanky tech from `/tech/starbound/bio` to `/tech/starbound/tank`
• Moved Vampiric tech from `/tech/starbound/bio` to `/tech/starbound/vamp`
• Moved sb_iceaxe, sb_slimehandgrapple, and sb_swingingvine from `/items/tools/` to `/items/active/grapplinghooks`
• The value for preventing relocators from updating their inventory icon to match their creature capacity is no longer `sb_skip`: it is now `sb_doNotUpdateInventoryIcon`. Note that this value may be entirely removed if I decide to make it check for a frame key instead
• Moved some more recipe files around. Check Github
• Container objects no longer have "Holds X Items" in their tooltipFields in their object file. This is instead handled by the buildscript, and the translation string is in `/interface/tooltips/sb_container.tooltip` under `slotCountLabel.value`
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Betabound! v15.0.1
A base-game enhancement mod featuring new content! Not an overhaul.