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Outdated Atom Technologies[REBORN!] 1.0

New ship, new objects, new tools, and lets try to get more to come!

  1. JesseKomm
    Atom Technologies, "Looking towards the future; to make it possible, today."

    What is Atom Technologies? That is not the question you should worry about, for Atom Technologies is your trusted friend and ally! We are a company determined only to bring the greatest and most dependable products to you, for instance, how would you like to see the galaxy through the cockpit of a highly advanced celestial ship we call the Starwhale?


    The Starwhale is quite the upgrade over your starter ship, fitted with custom AtomTech objects to give it that special atmosphere... outside the atmosphere! In the rear of the ship can be found both the fuel hatch and the transport relay to beam you to and from your ship. This vessel was designed as a long-ranged personal ship and comes with a surprisingly large fuel capacity of 5000! At the front of the ship can be found a divided section which includes the cockpit(Top half) and the utilities(Bottom half) which houses a ship locker and a tech station. The large centre room of the ship is empty and just ripe for some decoration.

    Throughout the ship can be found AtomTech hardlight doors which keep the ship safe and secure of all intrusion, but don't you worry, these doors have a recipe so you can make as many as you want! Did I mention they work both vertically and horizontally? That's right, use these anywhere you'd like, and in any configuration that you see fit!

    But Atom Technologies didn't just build a ship, oh no they went the extra lightyear and designed a few special objects for pretty much anything you need done! There is the generically named Laser Cutter, capable of heavily sustained mining due to a fuel capacity of 10,000! But don't use it too liberally, this block annihilator is too stubborn to take your usual fuels... you'll need some Fusion Batteries to keep it operational(Repair as you would a pick/drill), the upside is each Fusion Battery can recharge the Laser Cutter to the full 10,000!

    In addition, you will find that your ship came stock with a couple handy recipes... one for the Fabricator, and another for the Incinerator.

    The Fabricator is capable of crafting... well pretty much anything, it'll make food, weapons, tools, clothes, hell... it can even compress pixels into voxels!

    The Incinerator is capable of heating up whatever you need... oddly enough it doesn't incinerate anything. It'll cook your food, smelt your ore with blazing efficiency!(Costs half the ore to make a bar)... did I mention it can also break down metal bars and diamond into pixels? Oh, and it can also break up pixel voxels... without that damn compression loss.

    So there you have it, some of Atom Technologies' finest creations at YOUR disposal, all for the low cost of free! Lets wait and see if we can't cook up anymore products for you to use.

    This might be a good time to mention that this is all very end-game stuff, and requires special Atomium bars(I ran out of good names for things) to make just about everything in this mod pack... save for one other crafting item called Hardlight.

    Let me know what you think of the mod, inform me of any bugs or incompatibility issues and I'll get right on that, or even give me a suggestion for new things to add, I'm all ears! And by now you've probably realized this mod was on the forum many, many months ago. The reason it was deleted is because of incompatibility issues when the update for Beta version Furious Koala was released. I've only recently(As in a few hours ago) decided to work at fixing these numerous issues... an thus here we are now! Enjoy!
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Reviews

  1. Spirels
    Version: 1.0
    There's a bit of lag on this ship, which is very unusual. Any ideas why?
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      I find that the lag dies down once out of range of the shipengine sounds, not sure why they would be causing any sort of lag as it is a standard .wav used on many ship mods. I'll attempt to fix this issue, or otherwise remove the shipengine sounds entirely.
  2. Spitfyre
    Version: 1.0
    As soon as I saw this ship, I downloaded it in the blink of an eye. Love it and it's a hell of a lot better than other ship models (in my opinion).
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much! If you love this version just wait until the second one comes out(Its quite a bit bigger).
  3. beefsteak07
    Version: 1.0
    does it change the ship of an already created character or just new ones? also awesome mod
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      All ship mods on the forum can change the ship of existing character's, what you need to do however is install it for the right race, and then delete your character's .SHIPWORLD file in the "player" folder. Launch the game and load up that character and it should replace the ship.
  4. Gindew
    Version: 1.0
    Love the new Objects! i am in love with the Ship Design! Keep it up!
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      Much appreciated! I'm going to attempt to keep updating this mod pack with new and exciting features. Though I will say that I am working on a separate mod at this very moment that will not tie into Atom Tech.