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Outdated ArmorView ALPHA 0.4

A quick and dirty program for previewing armor outside of the game! ALPHA RELEASE

  1. ArmorView: Now 78% Less Broken!

    Major update to the code, trying to turn it from a hacky piece of crap into a somewhat less hacky piece of crap. Biggest difference you'll notice is that colors work on all armors now, regardless of naming schemes. I've also fixed quite a few things you probably would never have noticed in an effort to make future updates a little easier. Next steps: hair, backpacks, and item arms (possibly holding items? We'll see.)
    Standing_Tough and Shadewarp like this.
  2. Now in TECHNICOLOR! I got this, I swear :P

    Keep feeding me error messages, they really help squash bugs!
  3. Now in TECHNICOLOR! and with better config file handling.

    I'm learning, bear with me.
  4. Now in TECHNICOLOR! and with fewer crashes I hope.

    I'm worried it's becoming a running theme that every major update is broken :p
  5. Now in TECHNICOLOR!

    Support for colors has been added! WOOOOO! Also added the ability to pause animations and advance them frame-by-frame, and an Update Artwork button that grabs updated copies of all artwork, for when you've made changes on the fly.
    Shadewarp likes this.
  6. ArmorView 0.2.1

    Fixed up folder selection a little bit. Should retain settings better.
  7. ArmorView 0.2! More Poses! Frame Info! Useful Stuff!

    Updated to view the majority of available poses, as well as provide info on which frames you're viewing! Also, the window is now resizable and the dummy zooms in and out better :p

    Next up: weapon-holding-arms and, with a little luck, colors!
  8. fsleeve fix

    I missed a variable :p