5000+ DOWNLOADS - WOOT! Top Page Mod AGAIN! You guys ROCK!
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ScarletTerror, is Officially a Co-Creator of this mod. Thank you for helping me keep this mod up to date and better!
Last Update: March 20th - ver 1.9.2 Enraged Koala
WIZARD HATS and Items- They give more energy but have less defense. Just like a real wizard!
NEW EVERYTHING! Seriously, 28 new spells, spells now split up into books. More info bellow. This update has a lot not finished but everything from the previous system is up and working.
The first book has flare (lights an area), regeneration ( slow healing), warmth(keeps you warm), and magic arrow (like a bow but magic).
Every book gets the following.
Tier 3 - Teleport to Surface,
Tier 5 - Blink,
Tier 10 - Flight
There are now 5 books.
Enchantment is made for support spell casting, also compliments fighting with a weapon as well. Regeneration levels with this book only.
Level 2
Breath: Allows anyone to breathe in any enviroment
Enchant Weapon: Allows your sword to do more damage. Levels with each tier.
Level 3
Jump: Buff anyone to jump higher
Level 4
Eternal Glow: Allows anyone to glow brightly
Haste: Allows anyone to move faster
Level 5
Hawkeye: Allows anyone to see further using the crtl button. Aids with blinking.
Level 6
Vigor: Increases anyone's damage and protection
Dispel: Removes any status effect. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Level 7
Weaken: Will weaken enemies, both their attack and defense. - Does not work as intended-
Energy: Increases your energy regeneration
Level 8
Heal: Will heal anyone to full health.
Multijump: Allows you to make multiple jumps. You have as many jumps as your spell tier.
Level 9
Charm: Enchants creatures to aid you.- Does not work as intended-
Heroism: All the buffs ever, makes you a walking god.
Level 10
Reflect: Redirects all projectiles back at opponent for a time. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Thaumaturgy is the magic of fire. Lots of damage spells minor support.
Level 2
Create Fire: Creates a campfire. - Does not work as intended-
Fire Blast: Shoots a ball of fire.
Level 3
Fire Breath: Breathe Fire.
Level 4
Fire Trail: A trail of fire will follow you. Burn all the things.
Rapid Fire: Fire multiple bursts of fire.
Level 5
Fireball: Click, wait, BOOM!
Level 6
Burning Haste: Move exceptionally quickly, for a short time.
Dragon Fire: A dragon of fire follows your mouse (click and hold), doing damage to all you touch.- Does not work as intended-
Level 7
Flash Fire: Makes your screen flash red and burn all enemies. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Heat Metal: Will light up ores around you.
Level 8
Circle of Flames: surround yourself in fire, and explosions.
Create Lava: Summons some lava.
Level 9
Eruption: Will create an explosion sending rocks and fire all around - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Dawn: Turns night to day. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Level 10
Meteor Swarm: Summons Meteors that destroy the world.
Geomancy is the magic of the land and air. Some damage, some support, and interesting earth moving spells.
Level 2
Gale: Pushes away enemies around you for a short time.
Spark: Shoots a short shotgun of lightning
Level 3
Air Slash: Slashes the air where you click.
Level 4
Create Water: Creates a pool of water.
Ray of Frost: Click and hold, and control a ray of cold to kill enemies.
Level 5
Frost Wave: A wave of cold air slows and damages enemies.
Level 6
Spike Trail: Shoot out a trail of spikes damaging enemies. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Ice wall: Summons a wall of ice to protect you. - Does not work as intended-
Level 7
Chain Lightning: Bolts of lightning strikes it's target then split to more, and more.
Glide: Jump and then glide to your next destination. - Does not work as intended-
Level 8
Blizzard: Create a Blizzard to strike your enemies and slow them. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Earthbore: Diggs through the earth at speed.
Level 9
Thunder Storm: Lightning and thunder strike all enemies seen.
Dome: Surrounds nearest target in rock. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Level 10
Hurricane: Flattens and destroys everything in it's path. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Conjuration is the magic of creation. Summon things and they'll buff you, kill for you, and aid you.
Level 2
Familiar: Will summon a familiar, does not disappear. - Does not work as intended-
Swarm: Summons a swarm that chases the nearest enemy and damages them. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Level 3
Acid Splash: Conjures Acid at chosen location, more acid the higher tier you get.
Level 4
Arcane Eye: Summons an Eye to help you look for metals.
Miasma: Conjures clouds of poisons gas around you, does damage.
Level 5
Guard: Summons a guard for a short time to take care of enemies.
Level 6
Conjure Food: Creates basic food to take care of simple hunger.
Summon Star: Summons a Star, it burns enemies, creates a hospitable environment for you and all allies and heals you.
Level 7
Legion: Summons a Legion of Soldiers to protect you for a short time.
Instant Shelter: Sets up a basic shelter for four. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Level 8
Black Hole: Summons a black hole that sucks in enemies, and does great damage.
Conjure Poison: Creates a pool of poison liquid.
Level 9
Disintigrate: Click and hold to fire a beam the disintegrates every living thingin it's path. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Summon Dragon: Now the dragon is on your side.
Level 10
Arcane Cleaver: Summons a Sword that destroys everything in it's path. - CURRENTLY NOT OPERATIONAL-
Universal general magic, it draws from all four.
Level 2
Breath: Allows anyone to breathe in any enviroment
Spark: Shoots a short shotgun of lightning
Level 3
Fire Blast: Shoots a ball of fire.
Level 4
Jump: Buff anyone to jump higher
Air Slash: Slashes the air where you click.
Level 5
Miasma: Conjures clouds of poisons gas around you, does damage.
Level 6
Fireball: Click, wait, BOOM!
Eternal Glow: Allows anyone to glow brightly
Level 7
Vigor: Increases anyone's damage and protection
Burning Haste: Move exceptionally quickly, for a short time.
Level 8
Chain Lightning: Bolts of lightning strikes it's target then split to more, and more.
Glide: Jump and then glide to your next destination. - Does not work as intended-
Level 9
Circle of Flames: surround yourself in fire, and explosions.
Heal: Will heal anyone to full health.
Level 10
Summon Dragon: Now the dragon is on your side.
You gain two spells per tier, and it is possible to possess each book to max tier.
Current known bugs: Familiar, dispel, dragon fire, weaken, glide and charm do not work as intended. Please do not report bugs with these spells.
About this Mod
Arcane Addons is a balanced mod to add magic to the game in fun and interesting ways. It's presently focused on balance for multiplayer use, and most of the healing and buff spells can be cast on fellow players, allowing for support focused characters.
A lot of the spells are buffs, aimed to allow you to do things like explore Asteroids and the moon before Tier 5. Of course, there's some fun damage spells, of quite a variety. Arguably, the movement buffs are the most fun! Damage spells are not meant to overpower anything of that tier... well, that is, not till the last one
It is tabula rasa compatible. Which I suggest if you do not want to make a new character when we update.
How does this mod work, and what is this Magi Tech?
MagiTech is a tech that you equip that turns you into a mage. Hold your spellbook in hand and right click (or press F) to enter casting mode. From there, you have access to all of the spells of the tier of the spellbook.
Spells are now cast by using direction keys. For instance, right (that is, "D") is the spell Magic Arrow. To cast it, you need at least the 1st level spellbook and the tech equipped. Right click to enter casting mode, then press D. It will acknowledge the press with the words Magic Arrow appearing over your head. At this point, you can left click to cast the spell. However, you don't have to! Instead, if you wish, you can jump to exit casting mode. The spell will still be ready to fire - just left click, even if you're jumping around, and the spell will be cast!
Spells level with your spell book. The higher level your spell book, the more effective your spells. However since the spells are more effective they will also eat up more energy.
As the recipes are tiered, you will either have to start a new character or use previous star maps to unlock the associated recipes. Or the Tabula Rasa works too.
Any planet has a chance to have a core of Blaststone, Obsidian, or Magmarock. So the challenge of making the enchanting table is to travel to planets search their core for obsidian.
Conversely volcanic and magma planets have obsidian on the surface.
Still to come
Scrolls working.
A master spell book.
Spells that are missing.
General graphical and efficiency.
For those wondering how to get certain Essences
Glitch Cup = 200 px = 1 Common Magical Essence
Glitch Bowl = 200 px = 1 Uncommon Magical Essence
Frog Statue = 500 px = 1 Rare Magical Essence
Royal Bed = 1500 px = 1 Legendary Magical Essence
Glitch King Crown = 1 Legendary Magical Essence
Several Avian Masks from the temple = 1 Legendary Magical Essence
There are over 1300 recipes 500 common, 400 uncommon, 300 rare, and 100 legendary.
This mod was inspired by Weapons+ and he has granted permission of use of 3 of the spells (Bluefireball, Magic Arrow, Blue Fire Barrage) and the enchanting table.
Thank you to the tribes weapon mod, taught me a lot about balance, and projectiles and explosions.
Special thanks to the lovely people on the mod forums, you've helped me over come a lot of issues.
THANK YOU HalcyonXIII, for helping me with the codexes and always answering my posts. You rock.
Scarlet Terror for your work programing in the new balance math, and that awesome idea of a formula.
Freyon for all your help with the buffs and spell ideas. You rock!
HyperMan19680 Thank you so much for your help on the discussions and ideas!
Illandriel - Thank you so much for being a large part of the discussions, and a big part of update 1.9.0.
DragonSoulSong - Thank you for answering questions on the discussion page.
TinyTiger, Rukio, Eternal Blade, Ellary and Zero Infinity you guys have helped push me to get this mod finished. Thank you!
Movements to use with magiTech
Right click (alt Fire) or press F to enter casting mode
Left Click (primary Fire) to cast spell
Jump to exit casting mode
You can cast spells in casting mode. Jump out of it, and then casting it when you are ready.
Damage spells tend to end in right else they will end in up.
Every tier is done as mirror. I.e, tier 2 is up down, and down up.
Level 1
up (flare) | down(warmth) | left(heal) | right(magic arrow)
Level 2
up down | down up
Level 3
down right | right down
Level 4
up left | left up
Level 5
up right | right up
Level 6
left down | down left
Level 7
left right | right left
Level 8
left down right | right down left
Level 9
left up right | right up left
Level 10
up up down down left right left right | up up
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Arcane Add On 1.9.02 DROPBOX
Interesting Tiered Magic, Balanced for the Game.
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- Fixed link again Sep 24, 2014