This is an ongoing mod i'm working on, to bring material from various Anime/Manga and Video-Game sources (Plus some custom items) into Starbound.
All Hats/Masks are craftable at the Yarn Spinner by default.
All Weapons are craftable on the Anvil by default.
Spawn your pet bellsprout by activating admin (/admin)
and then typing (/spawnmonster petbellsprout)
All Hats/Masks are compatible with the Dye Mod (by MrMagical)
you can get the placeholder version here (ported by Omekk):
Currently there are 48 items:
- Fuma's Hat (Suikoden)
- Pesmerga's Helmet (Suikoden)
- Killey's Hat (Suikoden)
- Lin's Hat (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter)
- Harle's Hat (Chrono Cross)
- Straw Hat (One Piece)
- Desian's Helmet (Tales of Symphonia)
- Jack's Cap (Harvest Moon)
- Scouter (Dragonball Z)
- Saiyan Vest (Dragonball Z)
- Saiyan Pants (Dragonball Z)
- Ashitaka's Hood (Princess Mononoke)
- San's Mask (Princess Mononoke)
- Varia Helmet (Metroid)
- Shy-Gal Mask (Mario)
- Plumber's Hat (Mario)
- Plumber's Hat & Nose (Mario) (Dye'd Green to make Luigi's Hat)
- Link's Hat (The Legend of Zelda)
- Majora's Mask (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) (Rage stat when worn)
- Keaton Mask (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Sonic Mask (Sonic the Hedgehog) (Speed Boost stat when worn)
- Kamina's Glasses (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
- Space Pompadour (Space Dandy)
- Samurai Hat (Original)
- Bunny Hood (Majora's Mask) (Speed Boost stat when worn)
- Mask of Truth (Majora's Mask)
- Viewtiful Joe Helmet (Viewtiful Joe)
- Freddy Mask (FNaF 2)
- Lucina's Mask (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Kaneki's Mask (Tokyo Ghoul)
- Alucard's Hat & Pistols (Hellsing)
- Trunks' sword (DBZ)
- Super Saiyan Goku Hair (DBZ) (Rage stat, Speed boost stat, glow )
- Yusuke Urameshi Hair (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Super Sonic Mask (Sonic the Hedgehog) (Rage stat, Speed boost stat, glow )
- Lloyd Irving's Outfit (Tales of Symphonia)
- Flamberge (sword) (Tales of Symphonia)
- Vorpal Sword (Tales of Symphonia)
- Desian's Sword (Tales of Symphonia)
- Apple Gel (Tales of Series)
- Lemon Gel (Tales of Series)
- Kratos Aurion Outfit (Tales of Symphonia)
- Mimiga Mask (Cave Story)
- Ichigo's Hollow Mask(s?) (Bleach)
- Philemon's Mask (Persona)
- D's Hat (Vampire Hunter D)
- Ergo's Mask (Ergo Proxy)
- StrongBad (Homestar Runner)
- Dragon Priest Mask (Skyrim)
- Madfang Ragewolf (Patapon)
- Goku's Outfit (DBZ)
- Super Saiyan Hair *Vegeta* (Rage stat, Speed boost stat, glow)
- Yusuke Urameshi (Outfit) (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Anime/Manga/Video Game Pack 1.8
Brings various accessories in from iconic (and not-so iconic) franchises!
Recent Updates
- 23 new items + pet bellsprout Mar 11, 2015
- All items will show up on yarn spinner by default, fixed desian helmet error, all tested and working Mar 9, 2015
- Minor fix Mar 9, 2015