22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Octopaige

    Octopaige Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    We definitely need one of the ship expansion mods put in! I am trying desperately to avoid using them (I'm terrified of it being screwed in later updates!) However we must be careful:

    I prefer a certain amount of the preset-ness rather than the built-from-scratch (MadTulips is okay, in the middle-ish) as giving the freedom to do absolutely everything sort of makes way for a less realistic space-exploration, as you cannot just build a spaceship from scratch out of wood and glass, something about that severely bothers me...

    I don't want to settle down on a planet until after the world-wipe...

    But this is my current living situation:

    TheSilentRose, Leak, Tamorr and 2 others like this.
  2. Jabberwok

    Jabberwok Phantasmal Quasar

    Persistent Farmables, or some variation on it, is the only must for me so far. The mods that add larger ships are also important, but you may have other plans there.

    I doubt you will, but I would prefer that no mods that interfere with the game's internal continuity and lore be added. Even if it were legally feasible, a Star Wars mod, or anything similar just wouldn't fit with the existing universe.
    Probably doesn't need to be said. Content mods are great, but Starbound should remain wholly Starbound.
    flamedance58 likes this.
  3. flamedance58

    flamedance58 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    -Persistant Farmables but much better optimized! No offense to the developer of it but that mod causes extreme lag, but the idea is still needed and wanted I feel!

    -Anything of the healing mods, sorry but needles/bandages/food heals really really poorly :p
    -http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/medical-potions.927/ is one I'm using and it's quite good.
    Shadewarp likes this.
  4. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sounds fun Molly! Keep up the good work!
  5. catmonkshiro

    catmonkshiro Phantasmal Quasar

    I will say the Avali race looks amazing, and if it was in more than just a mod? (actually part of the game) I'd totally play one.
  6. catmonkshiro

    catmonkshiro Phantasmal Quasar

    also there was talk of new tiles being included... is there a list of the new content added posted somewhere?
  7. Shaggyd0g

    Shaggyd0g Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It shouldn't be impossible, but for the maker of that mod, it probably is with his skillset. Devs on the other hand should be able to get it working?
    Persistent Farmables
    And one of the Ship Customization mods if they're inline with Chucklefishes ideas for ship modification already.
  8. DragonoixPL

    DragonoixPL Subatomic Cosmonaut

  9. Cuttlefish

    Cuttlefish Void-Bound Voyager

    I really love being able to customize things. I know Starbound is getting upgradeable ship but fully customizable ones too would be awesome. Mad Tulip's mod keeps it tough while still having it being fun upgrading the ship unlike some others where they just give you all the materials.
    Kyasupah likes this.
  10. IggyBousse

    IggyBousse Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't mod alot since I don't want to burn myself out with the game so early but 1 mod that we need due to healing being so bad at later levels is this:



    There are others but I feel this one is most balanced (the others require almost nothing for overpowered potions while in this one the best potion heals like a normal bandage at 500 hp, basically a 3d of your health).

    Also a ship upgrade mod, if you're not working on it. I love building since I've played Minecraft but since this is an explorer game more than a settler game, it's more fun to make your ship a home.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  11. MindExplorer

    MindExplorer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, all these comprehensive words I only can agree with. ;)

    And I don't get this new question-round anyway. There already is a heavily used SUGGESTIONS-SECTION in this very forum where everyone can suggest the one or other mod to be included. Heck, even things that are not already realized through a mod.

    Why is this question-round necessary now?
    I can only guess: Keep them feel involved and happy.
    User011232 likes this.
  12. Laomedon

    Laomedon Orbital Explorer

    Planetside teleporter
    Corporation Mechs
    No pixel loss compressor
    Better stim/bandages
    Stim lab
  13. Optix

    Optix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Love to see a built in creative mode mod.

    Maybe a hybrid version though. I'm not big on ultra armour and weapons because that allows folks to hit a level 10 planet right out of the box.

    Do away with that, but allow people to duplicate items they have in their inventory. It might make the 3D printer a bit obsolete.

    Anyway, I love building, so I'd be all for a creative mode option!
  14. tomathian

    tomathian Void-Bound Voyager

    Ship customization, then deployable ships on ships then massive space battles
  15. sangshu

    sangshu Orbital Explorer

  16. kurisu7885

    kurisu7885 Big Damn Hero

    I would LOVE for the survival system to include a heater and a light. Why it's not there in the first place is beyond me.
  17. Wolrajh

    Wolrajh Orbital Explorer

    I don't know.
    I think that maybe going to fish for the most popular mods out there is OK, but the ultimate decision should always be on the devs side. Too many "fun" but lore-breaking mods out there, that will eventually get suggested. Did you see how the Skyrim community is doing? There are more mangas / Final Fantasy / naked / "beautiful character" mods out there than really relevant and lore-friendly mods. People are trying hard to make the game looks like what it is not supposed to be.
    Here in SB mods like newraces may be enjoyable for people, but it may also not be SB-friendly. People would also mention mods breaking some rules, like powerful weapons or loss-less pixel compressor. Also, sure, a new race probably isn't game-breaking, but it isn't needed at all right now either.
    On the other hand, some mods sound and look like something the devs may have been planning to add somewhere down the road. Frakin'flora, industrialization... I mentionned a mod enabling the players to use water in their construction by being able to create "blocks of water", I think this is something that is bound to happen. Too bad I can't remember the name.

    Also, I'm not sure how I'd feel if the mod I was hard at work on was to be included in the game. Sure, I could switch and instead work on improving this now-part of the game, but... I don't know. There is a blurred line here about who "owns" a mod, whose vision is important. I know I didn't really like how Minecraft handled that, when they started including mods in their actual base game after making so much money with it. Sure, sometimes, a mod can either be exactly what you were planning to do anyway, and it would be a shame to let one's work go to waste by coding a replica. But I don't know. How is a mod author credited when his work is put into the actual, sold product?
    Leak, Ignify, Kyasupah and 3 others like this.
  18. badboy_zay

    badboy_zay Void-Bound Voyager

    too many unnecessary and unlore-friendly mods suggested by people already
  19. Nazja

    Nazja Pangalactic Porcupine

    They ask the mod authors whether they mind or not. ;)
  20. Ssschah

    Ssschah Void-Bound Voyager


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