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What do you want to see in Starbound ???

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Floran God, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

  2. Broconut

    Broconut Cosmic Narwhal

    Lol, what even is that? It looks like a plague doctor ghost in a yellow hoodie.o_O
  3. Keppabar

    Keppabar Big Damn Hero

    I think domesticated farm animals would be interesting.
  4. Slippery Slime

    Slippery Slime Big Damn Hero

    Maybe a way to find certain generated structures easier. I see lots of some generated things and really none of the others. For example, while searching for the avian Airship I came across like 3 sewage systems. They dont even have anything good in them! Idk, I feel some balancing needs to be done
  5. Kashmir

    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

    A ship lock system for multiplayer. A password in SAIL maybe. Made a suggestion for this to the devs so I'll just have to wait and see.
  6. Heriol

    Heriol Void-Bound Voyager

    That would be so good!
  7. Something I would love to see in Starbound, World bosses!

    Bosses that require 2-4 or more players. Make them either random on planets that would scare the s**t out of you if you saw them. or some quest to kill the nemesis's of the universe (world bosses) I feel it would add so much end game to Starbound, and make something to work towards when finished with everything else.
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  8. King Abdul

    King Abdul Space Hobo

    -Better caves
    -Some more unique weapons that aren't randomly generated
    -Weapons in weapon chests on the floor to be buffed so that they aren't utter garbo
    -Just generally more reason to stay on one world
    -A new grass texture, personally not a fan of the pastel-y looking turquoise grass you see fairly often
    -Better armour

    Also if any of these are in the game please tell me; haven't played in a few months.
  9. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    One of the big upcoming changes is that all weapons, no matter where you find them, will have "low" stats within a certain range. But all armor pieces (non-Vanity at least) will have an attack damage multiplier attached to them. So if you like the look of a particular sword that you got at a low-tier planet, it will grow in stats with you and you can keep that look/attack style.
    King Abdul, Skix and Peppersnap like this.
  10. Skix

    Skix Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What i would love to see are mannequins/armor stands and weapon displays.
    Those are the two features i'm hoping for anytime soon.
    The gear looks great, just feel like it's wasting away in my chests, waiitng to be shown off :wut:

    Lightsaber and techno-magicks.
    The staves are great and all, but i'd feel like there could be more magic in the game.
    Power gloves perhaps or somekind of sci-fi themed form of magic.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
    Heriol, Broconut and Peppersnap like this.
  11. Bruised Spartan

    Bruised Spartan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Late on the edit wasn't I?
  12. Wrynn

    Wrynn Void-Bound Voyager

    Having to build some kind of tech to be able to scan planets is a great idea! Is the current "ship" tech UI confusing to anyone else? I think there are some serious menu/UI tweaks that need to be done to make navigation of the menus a lot more intuitive. Also, why is it so slow when scrolling through the craft window still?? That is SO frustrating :p
  13. Hunter_J

    Hunter_J Industrial Terraformer

    3 words:

    Dark and Mature. That what it was advertised some time ago and my friends and me decided to purchase the game. I feel more and more like the game we purchased turns out to be a true childs game... you know with those very off descriptors in the fossil interface mockup shown to us... or some of the quests ugh... they are repulsive... still hoping that the coffee quests gets completly removed and replaced by something better, lorewise and gameplay wise, or that I am allowed to put out my railgun and shoot her in the head without the use of a homemade mod.

    Oh and maybe... just a little thought... some more realistic alloy production... copper + plain iron aint equal steel. Coal + Iron was ok, still not quite perfect but atleast on the right course.
  14. FaerieHawk

    FaerieHawk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd like grass and plants to grow on the surface of the world, and vines to grow, maybe only regrowing if you leave some behind instead of removing the whole thing? I hate removing the grass and plants on the surface of planets only for them to remain barren looking. The flowers look pretty, but I also need them for flower petals so it's either no flower petals or dead looking ground.
    Heriol, Tamorr and Peppersnap like this.
  15. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    For the longest time, I honestly thought vines did grow back, so I'd leave the stump. :wut:
  16. de0lsu

    de0lsu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Edited: Mackinz to the rescue!
    Wow, thanks a bunch for posting the link, Mackinz!
    Sorry for not checking the updates.

    I want to see Hunger and Temperature added back into Starbound.


    I don't really see a purpose in playing this game anymore now that I've advanced past a certain point. Hunger provided me with a nice time sink, that kept me exploring and harvesting food. When we had hunger, it was possible to die regardless of how powerful you became. Now my game experience is just meh.. I love my character, so I won't be making another one, unless we're forced to start a new game with another update.

    As far as temperature goes, it was fun trying to figure out how to survive different climates during the early parts of my character's adventures. Some planets used to be moderately cold at night, but the living conditions became deadly if it started raining and the player's character wasn't warm enough. Now in Starbound, it's just a matter of using the cold/heat protection tech. Just a few seconds ago, I was running around on a snowy planet with no clothes or cold protection tech, at night, in a snow storm, taking no damage. Meh..
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
  17. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    de0lsu likes this.
  18. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    On nightly most of this exists now.
    Due to armor changes (better armour), weapons are all pretty much better. Guns have been overhauled and more changes are coming to weapons Soon™ (alternate-fire/special moves).
    Due to the upcoming farming changes and colony construction implementation, you have a reason to continue using a world.
    Grass textures are new all over the place, the tops of dirt can have flowers, nicer looking grass, etc.
    Temperature is not a thing right now outside of frozen/fiery star planets requiring nano suits (which is a thing I agree with, makes the game more Metroid-like).

    As for unique weapons, metadept is working on a lot of that kind of thing, guided rockets, steerable drones, teleport guns, etc. If or when they'll be implemented is anybody's guess. I'm still waiting for them to implement some of the "secret" randomly generated guns, such as Shatterguns, Cellzappers, and Globe Launchers.
    And for the unique guns that aren't obtainable without spawning them in (or mods), the Buster is unique and doesn't appear anywhere.

    A lot of the "Unique" weapons in the game are actually generated by the way, like the Bonehammers, they actually even randomly choose their weapon parts to change how they look, but they only have one option for head/handle, so they all look the same.
    The only true unique weapons are usually bad for combat outside of the world you find them, the pollen gun thing that sprays gas found on flower biomes, is pretty much the best unique weapon you can find that isn't secretely randomly generated. The others if you can find them, are like a water squirt gun, a bubble gun, etc.

    Atleast in my experience.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015

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