The Demon Syndicate

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan TDS, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    First demon RP post FTW!
  2. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    I could a have made the first post, but i had to ask stuff!
    BrutorDragon likes this.
  3. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    double post
    what a loser
  4. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Ominethious likes this.
  5. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    I'd love to join in at some point soon =)
  6. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Right you!
    Your character is perfectly fine, but if you want to post sooner, your best bet would be setting up the back story so that anyone in the bio isn't like a higher figure well known, no on can argue then
  7. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    Alrighty I'll go change some things =)

    Edit: I changed some wording around
  8. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    Welp, bout time kara got back into rping. Prepare your bodies.
  9. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    This is bad.
    Stu and Improved likes this.
  10. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Exodus said something about Fallen Angels having reversed magic. You should take with her about it.
  11. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    You know the fight is about to get interesting though~
  12. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Now I'm confused. I'm not quite sure were Rex was when the rewind happened. Anyone have an idea of what was happening during the rewind?
  13. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

  14. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Oh, okay awesome.
  15. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Why have we just fucking stopped the rp?
    There's only a post going up once per half hour :/
    Stu and Improved likes this.
  16. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    Goodnight Deamons
  17. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    So, we have Kony starting up.
    Time to do one final fight for Kirito.
    I hope that in this arc, I can kill him off after a substantial battle.
    Or so I hope
    Scratch that. Blackleaf abused her powers and said that Kirito has been erased from existence a while back.
    So. NEW CHAC
  18. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    ...Since when does Kara carry around a snake on her arm????
    and why does she have such a grudge against crazyon?
  19. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    1, see past posts (Its a changeling)

    2 Cause 'scientist' crap
  20. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Character name: Dante Infernal
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Bio: Born as a Noble in the Eastern Empire, which is well known for having faded away just a few years back, he was inducted into the order of Monks at a young age, as was required for Noble children. He was trained heavily, and the training often involved no food for weeks, or incredible amounts of pain, which has left scars that still exist on him. Passing through the Order at the age of 25, he was given a choice. Military service, administrative service or, poilice service. The third choice was not usually extended to normal people, but it was given to the select few who were excellent in battle. He chose police service, and he did not expect to see what he saw. Instead of the normal policing service, he was made to join the secret police, which would hold a tight grip upon the citizens of the Empire. The service was actually full of Demons, who served under the Empire. He was the first Human to ever know about Being young and foolish, he didnt realize the truth and thought that he was simply serving his Emperor. What he knew not, was that the police was a tool of politics, and wracked with bureaucracy. Politicians, aspiring to the Throne, would often command the secret police to some incredible cruelty, or treason. And due to their skill, nobody would find out. Over time, Winds became disillusioned. He was tired of living the life of a spy novel. As the Empire was failing, he decided that it was time to take the show on the road. A former colleague of his who sympathised with him, an Incubi, told him of the Succubi Queen and the Demon Syndicate, where he could once again offer his services.
    Chosen Elements: Lightning+Wind= Blades
    Picture: [​IMG]
    Misc. Info: He can and cannot hold his liquor at the same time. Sedatives won't affect him, but sometimes even a sip will knock him out. He drinks all the time. (WHISKEY, SON!)

    Over dramatic? Maybe
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