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starcheat: player save editor and Python library [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Outdated Mods' started by wizzomafizzo, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. xXSoulSlayerXx

    xXSoulSlayerXx Void-Bound Voyager

    Problem is, some items that are used for harvesting blocks has very weird durability (10) which makes it break in literally 10 uses. There isn't an option currently implemented to edit the durability values of items... which is kinda sad... I'm not very sure if its for all the harvesting tools, but i'm very sure the Fishy and the Laser Mining Tool is affected by this.
  2. hakari

    hakari Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Humm I think I know what's the problem. Maybe some of the moded items in my save file have values too big for your editor? e+18 and +inf in double?
  3. McSimp

    McSimp Orbital Explorer

    wizzomafizzo likes this.
  4. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    Thanks, it has been really helpful when testing items before actually trying to find them :)

    Strange though that I haven't got any luck installing pyqt5 on linux, it just seems impossible for me. Thanks anyway :D
  5. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not yet but messing with unique items is what I'm working on next. Re: the 32bit build, check out McSimp's post!

    This is a similar area as above, working on it but not yet. I had a look and it should just be those two tools. If you want one now, I know the superfishaxe works.

    It's definitely possible but pretty unlikely. Is it possible for you to upload a copy of your player file? I can do some proper testing then and see what the deal is. That said, the crashing behaviour you described is exactly what I would expect if the file was the correct version but still "invalid". You might be onto something.

    Dude you are absolutely amazing. Marry me.

    This is so weird! Are you using Debian Stable or something? I can't think of any other distro that wouldn't have it by now. Anyway, once it settles down a bit I can start making static linux binaries too no problem. If it is urgent let me know and I can try build one now.
  6. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    It isn't really urgent, and i'm using Linux Mint, and what about mac? Same problem there as I have problems just getting pyqt5 to work properly. It just seems to complex to set up for me I guess.
  7. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll see what I can do. The thing is the building and uploading part is most time consuming for me so I don't want to do it every time I make a commit. As for the Mac, I don't have any means to test it on there so I'll need volunteers.

    Apparently you can't change the disussion thread of a mod in the mod db so I've switched over to a new one here. Please don't post anything else in this thread and we can continue any discussion here over there instead. Thanks!
  8. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Bumping this thread above the old one. Any questions, bugs or feature requests can be posted here.

    We currently have a working 64 and 32 bit Windows build of Starcheat. Linux static binaries to come soon. Look for volunteers to build on Mac.

    If anyone wants to contribute and not sure where to start, I've put TODO comments throughout the code for jobs that need doing. Just be aware some of them are major architectural changes so pick your battles wisely! For now, I will be working on getting unique item stat editing functional and bug hunting.
  9. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    I can volunteer for mac, and I did check and I believe the dependencies are on macports, will check when I get the chance. Currently testing if it at least works in wine.
  10. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    I'm just going to leave this screenshot here.

    Got it working in crossover, it was fairly easy. I had to use the 32-bit version and install VS C++ 2010 restributable, now to see if I can get it natively working in mac osx :)
    wizzomafizzo likes this.
  11. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesome work dude, defo keep us posted. I'm absolutely shocked how good it looks running in wine.
  12. Sachertorte

    Sachertorte Void-Bound Voyager

    The windows test builds links doesn't work for me, every time I try to download it shows "Temporary error, retrying."
  13. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've just committed an update that allows very basic editing of unique items. Open an existing unique item (can't make new ones yet) and try double click some of the options. The ones that pop up a dialog are editable. Be careful, the item may get irreversibly destroyed if you don't set stuff to valid options.

    Is this still happening for you? And which link specifically? They seem to be working okay for me atm.
  14. Rainfey

    Rainfey Void-Bound Voyager

    Saw this and thought why not:
    # TODO: support for reading python location from registry would be cool
    $path = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\3.3\InstallPath'
    $python_folder = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "(Default)"

    Excellent tool
  15. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    So close to running it on mac osx, I have to reinstall qt5 due to a bug with the offline installer. That seems like the only error so I hope I get some good news soon :)
    The Crystal Fox likes this.
  16. The Crystal Fox

    The Crystal Fox Void-Bound Voyager

    How close are you cause I really want to try this!
  17. Darkfox190

    Darkfox190 Void-Bound Voyager

    Mmh, trying to run it, but once I selected the directories it crashed. And now it crashes immediately upon start up.

    Here's the debug file contents.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\build\gui.py", line 107, in get_players
    File ".\build\save_file.py", line 410, in __init__
    File ".\build\save_file.py", line 422, in import_save
    save_file.WrongSaveVer: Wrong save format version detected

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console3.py", line 27, in <module>
    File ".\build\starcheat.py", line 6, in <module>
    File ".\build\gui.py", line 179, in __init__
    File ".\build\gui.py", line 454, in open_file
    File ".\build\gui.py", line 91, in __init__
    File ".\build\gui.py", line 111, in get_players
    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'player' referenced before assignment
  18. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Committed. Thanks for your contribution! You rock!!

    Sick! Once you get it running do you want to try create a static build with cx_freeze? If you're not sure how I can try get a script together for it.
  19. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    Close, but still having an error with the qtdetail.app included with pyqt5 :/

  20. antidust

    antidust Void-Bound Voyager


    Attached Files:

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