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Outdated Starbound : Mass Effect Edition v0.3.1a

Mass Effect in Starbound

  1. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    Why thank you.
    Unfortunately I can't update it to Upbeat Giraffe until I completely understand how it works, but if you insist on giving the prototype a test drive, you can grab it for previous stable build: link

    Currently there are 3 kinds of N7 human races. You're looking for the one with green SR2 on it, for it is the one with the current prototype and the other two are just previous attempts.

    Is there something else I can do for you, my lord?
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  2. Team SMEE

    Team SMEE Group Account

    As of right now, remaining Team SMEE members are going to start making the mod usable for the new version of Starbound. Hold onto your pants, grab your patience, and keep watching the skies.
    justnsbuzz and LeeJohn like this.
  3. justnsbuzz

    justnsbuzz Big Damn Hero

    THE MOD! ITS ALIVE!! *cackles madly at the thundering skies*. :headbanging:
  4. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    My question still stands, Team SMEE, if you'd like, I can give you the Normandy SR2 assets.
  5. Pfhoenix

    Pfhoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Let's talk.
  6. LeeJohn

    LeeJohn Phantasmal Quasar

    Let's move to the PM then, or shall we leave it here?
  7. AscensionX

    AscensionX Void-Bound Voyager

    It's nice to see that the team is returning. Are you just making the mod compatible again or are you planning on adding extra content in the future?
  8. Pfhoenix

    Pfhoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My current plan is to get a compatible-but-not-100%-everything release out soon. A lot of scripting went into the Normandy, and just about all of it is broken. The guns and armors require rejiggering to fit into the changed tiers, and eezo might be something to refine instead of mine (something I'm considering).
  9. Team SMEE

    Team SMEE Group Account

    Just letting folks know we're making steady progress on an update release.
  10. Team SMEE

    Team SMEE Group Account

    Can a forum mod please move the mod out of the Outdated Mods section and back to the normal mods section? We'd like to post our update.
    jackcaboose likes this.
  11. Team SMEE

    Team SMEE Group Account

  12. Team SMEE

    Team SMEE Group Account

  13. Paddon

    Paddon Title Not Found

    Where's the changelog? I couldn't see it on the main page :p
  14. Team SMEE

    Team SMEE Group Account

    Just updated it, thanks. =)
  15. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    I love this mod a lot, can you guys take over the now seemingly forever abandoned Geth mod? Or maybe bring the Geth as a playable species with their own ship and all? I'd love to be able to be a Geth again.
  16. Nosferatu_Alucard

    Nosferatu_Alucard Phantasmal Quasar

    hey, is it possible to have a collector/prothean species?
  17. Pfhoenix

    Pfhoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anything is possible when you have people able and willing to do it (and they have the time for it).
  18. Nosferatu_Alucard

    Nosferatu_Alucard Phantasmal Quasar

    i would never stop playing starbound if i could be a prothean species :rofl:
  19. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    Meh, wasn't all that impressed by the Protheans.....the Geth were MUCH cooler.
  20. MrCasa

    MrCasa Big Damn Hero

    Guy's anyone can give me the coordinates of the CITADEL ?
  21. Pfhoenix

    Pfhoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think the Wards alone would be a large planet's worth of world.

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