Digital Shadow's Ninjotic Art + Requests

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by ReverseShadow, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Nodnarbtocs

    Nodnarbtocs Orbital Explorer

    :ninja: Ninja skills activate!

    I guess the best I could come up with is the avatar I'm currently using, wearing a glowing red power armor of sorts. He's on a snow planet of sorts with a pink sky, but it's not glacial and such, no it's more like a forest during an fresh snow fall. His face worn and tired from days without sleep, sunrise to his back. I can go more in depth if you need it.
  2. Alright! Already got your name on the list! :notworthy:
  3. Nodnarbtocs

    Nodnarbtocs Orbital Explorer

    thank you honorable cowboy san :notworthy:
  4. Sorry for the delays guys, Photoshop is being dumb X3
  5. Nodnarbtocs

    Nodnarbtocs Orbital Explorer

    Not wrong, menshe, dont worry about it, of course everything's fine.
  6. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    As a request:

    Much like the Star Veterans signature, yet it has Shock and is coloured in blue. I'd also like a few pixelated icons so it can link people to certain threads or places. A Profile icon which has 'Profile' written on it. A jar full of red particle things for my suggestion. Lastly, a light blue 'O' in a brown circle, outlined in white (for my other section that I'll work on later.)

    Thank you in advance.
  7. Alright! :) On top of being out of town im having a bit of trouble with Photoshop at the moment, so as soon as I can im gunna start working on these requests again.. :ninja:
    Shock likes this.
  8. H.G.scout

    H.G.scout Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ...would it be okay to request an avatar If I can?
    p.s. the korean-emote you made. thank you.:)
  9. Yeah of course! Should I use the character in your avatar or is there another sprite you'd like me to use? :up:
  10. H.G.scout

    H.G.scout Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well, I'll tell you the details...
    black, somewhat long hair, brown iris, with the eyes halfway closed, black-white striped, hooded T-shirt.
    also, if you can, shade the top half of the face, with eyes vidible through it...
    and a background like my current avatar...
    I will appreciate it if you can make this!
  11. Alright sweet! Thanks for the info! :love:
    H.G.scout likes this.
  12. H.G.scout

    H.G.scout Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you're welcome!
    oh, and also, could you put a blue baseball cap on me if you can?
  13. Kloudy

    Kloudy Phantasmal Quasar

    Hey man, your Front Page looks awesome! :D
    ReverseShadow likes this.
  14. I have a request!
    Can you make a banner that I can use as a title for my entry in the Mech Contest?
    You could make it however you want, just make it epic like all of your digital art! [​IMG]

    Picture of mech + name:

    Thanks in advance! [​IMG]
  15. Yep! :ninja:
    Alright! Any particular size you'd want it?
    H.G.scout likes this.
  16. Uhh... Doesn't really matter to me.
    But if you want specifics I'd say around 900x100, however you could make it less wide if you want.
  17. Here's Omni's request! I used instead of Photoshop for this one. (Because Photoshop and me aren't getting along right now.. :poptop:)
    Omni-B complete.png or this one, its lighter---> Omni-B complete.jpg

    Sort'a reminds me of the profile avatars for team mojang (from minecraft)
  18. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm next :DD
  19. Hey, Shadow, I know there's a list that you follow, but is it possible to make mine within the next few days? (sorry!)
    The Mech Contest ends soon, and I'd love to have it as soon as possible. [​IMG]

    If no, that's fine, I can just post my entry and edit the banner into the post when you finish!
  20. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    H.G.scout and AstroBlast like this.

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