Playable Race Suggestions.

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Eqlles, Mar 22, 2012.



Poll closed May 9, 2013.
  1. Inorite!

  2. I'm 12 and what is this?

  3. Yabro!

  1. Swinburn

    Swinburn Phantasmal Quasar

    Races should not have racial bonuses in my opinion, each race should be equal and only chosen for vanity.
    Eqlles likes this.
  2. Quae_116

    Quae_116 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Kelok, Purple Humanoids, homeworld had extremely high gravity, extremely powerful legs, completely random

    - 20% increased jump height (high gravity on homeworld makes other planets way easier to jump on)
    - 15% movement speed

    - 15% less range damage
    - 10% less Mech speed
  3. The Noxus

    A Shadowy humanoid race with glowing eyes and indistinct features, the Noxus are feared by all who encounter them. Nothing is known of their origins and they have never discussed them with anyone outside their own race. They have the ability to sense the presence of other creatures and a knack for salvaging treasure from the fallen, but they inspire a strange antipathy in all creatures they meet, making them unusually hostile, despite the Noxus' usually friendly demeanour.

    - Ability to detect PCs and NPCs in the vicinity
    - Slightly improved drop rate for all items

    - 5% increased damage from attacks
    - NPC enemies favour Noxus targets over all others
  4. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    An avian race, yes I'm biased.

    Extra jump height and foot speed (10%) from having hollow bones,
    Larger screen panning distance due to improved eyesight.

    and a vulnerability to raw physical damage (+ 15% vulnerability) from the same hollow bones.
    Less carrying capacity?

    Wings start as vestigial, but proper medical research can get them upgraded to allow gliding (average difficulty), and eventually limited flight (Extremely difficult).
  5. Varn

    Varn Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i thought customization was the drawing factor of this game, think i read somewhere theres thousands of variations of one gun? as for something to relate to, escaping your homeworld and trying to survive as the last of your race is pretty emtionally investing. regardless youre going to spend hundreds of hours in this game that hasn't even came out yet, i could care less if the story sucks lol
  6. Vorco Rot-Gut

    Vorco Rot-Gut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd love to be able to choose a race! Have they talked about character creation at all? Is this even something they are looking into? I was hoping they would have added something like this in Terraria, but then yesterday I found out they aren't working on it anymore :p So I know nothing of whats going on...
  7. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    I agree this should only be for what if you like how the one person looks but their stats Are horrible
  8. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think this would be nice too, just have all sorts of parts to swap around on creation. Bird head, feathered wings, cat tail. Instant Gryphon.
  9. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    But would these 'parts' have advantages?
  10. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nah, they really wouldn't need them. though starting with vanity wings and eventually researching functional ones would be nice. (But you wouln't have to start with vanity wings to get these)
  11. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    I guess......but Do you think there will be different research abilities for the different species....I mean they will have the same researchings but you unlock them in different order....
  12. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would only consider that if the races had different stats too. If the races have the same stats they should have the same research trees as well to keep it fair.
  13. Spacefawx

    Spacefawx Big Damn Hero


    +/- 50% smaller than human race
    + slower falling
  14. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    Your right :) but all these people saying size difference should be implemented will also create BIG problems coz then the devs will have to make a whole new different set of sprites.........and if shot with a projectile, the bullet would have to go down a bit for the character to get hit and not go over the players head and he still gets know what I mean???
  15. Swinburn

    Swinburn Phantasmal Quasar

  16. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    Ya I saw are completely right :) this will just make the game irritating.....being a character for should all be for fun
    wulld likes this.
  17. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    I mean.... I would like to be and awesome alien, but what if he can't jump high then how would you get to places that other characters would easily get to by just...jumping normally
  18. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    Few comments....
    I disagree that there shouldn't be stats on races, but the idea I'm looking at is less to give them balanced pro's and cons and more something special that symbolizes their races... erm speciality, OTHER than just their appearance, maybe this could be made into a special ability instead of stat bonuses but if your a gelatinous (or something else) person than your probably not mentally the same, and your DEFINITELY not physically the same. Just saying. A way to deal with this would be to not have stat changing affects (if they went that way) for multiplayer, and the option to turn them off in single player, so you can have your cool looking race even if their stats are "bad". Another possible option (coming from what someone said above, something about researching functional wings) would be to research grafts or genetic manipulation allowing you to apply aesthetics to your character, or possibly stats, or even both. This would allow you to choose after you have your cool person, add more of a customization thing to it. Again stats would be disabled in multiplayer (if you could bring your character over like in Terarria). I also played a text based game recently where your physical appearance changed based on what happened, say you lost to Monster X, instead of dying your body "adapts" gaining some physical (and in that game statual... is that a word? I doubt it) changes, positive or negative. Idk, just some ideas I like the idea of having bonuses towards particular playstyles. Plus if different "races" had different abilities (say a gelatinous race can move in smaller areas, another race can glide or fly, and yet another is physically tougher than the others) you could build a true crew with you and your friends in multiplayer. Like I said... well I haven't said it but I am now, the idea here is more to put the concept out there, if the developers like it than it may get used. If they don't it won't. Heck maybe this just gives them some of their own ideas for customization.

    But thinking about it, it's kinda stupid to have negatives to a race because of race. Just some small racial benefit. To rewrite my previous ones.

    The Goomen would retain their reduced fall damage (again minimal like 2-5%) and their ability to "schlurp" into small gaps (it's 2 am, I'm tired dang it...)

    The Beastias
    Bird would get a short glide ability (reduces fall speed and allows the player to move horizontally if chosen could negate fall damage if used right)
    Bear would get a minimal health boost (2-5%) and some small melee damage boost (due to strength)
    Monkey gets some sort of climb rough terrain (so things like dirt walls or "rough" blocks can be climbed on, this includes trees) maybe minimal increased jump height.

    Like I said the point is to give them something to symbolize their difference from the other people. Sure a different skin is do-able, but that just makes them look different... I like my races to FEEL different. Sorry if you disagree. Also I reiterate, it's 2 am, those bonuses up there are not the best for being correctly defining of their race, but they should (highly stressed should) get my point across.

    I hope.:zzz:
  19. Vorco Rot-Gut

    Vorco Rot-Gut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    More importantly, when is the Character Race contest going to start up, ~*hint hint, Snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more!

    But seriously all this talk is very exciting! If they do have a contest like that I hope I can get my other computer's files! And my various crappy art programs :D
  20. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    While I don't mind races having differing stats, what I really dislike are races having specific disadvantages. I see no problem in giving every race just it's own unique few advantages. I don't like feeling penalized for choosing Race A over B.
    Eqlles likes this.

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