November 5th - Just Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Noice. Keep it up. :giggle:
  2. adri

    adri Void-Bound Voyager

    Does this mean that the copper pick no longer dies after 2 seconds of use on dirt?
    Rossomak likes this.
  3. dev-zzo

    dev-zzo Starship Captain

    From tonight's:
    deleted:    assets/unpacked/items/tools/miningtools/stonepickaxe.miningtool
    deleted:    assets/unpacked/items/tools/miningtools/stonepickaxe.png
    deleted:    assets/unpacked/items/tools/miningtools/stonepickaxeicon.png
    deleted:    assets/unpacked/recipes/starter/craftingtable/stonepickaxe.recipe
    Hmm... :cautious:
    adri likes this.
  4. Rossomak

    Rossomak Void-Bound Voyager

    With the current nightly update, the game crashes upon loading a character with this message: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("coreOceanLevel")
    At least that's the start of the long message I get. Anyway, deleting universe file in the game directory fixes this, however it causes any progress on the ship to disappear and it is not possible to fix this as the ship AI has no "reboot" command. Also, despite having the teleport option, you cannot teleport, probably because of the ship reboot not being possible. Anyway, deleting the player file in the game directory fixes that problem, however now I have no world and no players and thus, no progress on the game. I cannot test out changes in the nightly updates because I have to level up my character enough to go look for them again. This has happened with other nightly updates and is getting tedious. It would be nice to be able to check out the changes without having to grind every time I want to. I understand grinding is part of the game, but doing the same grinding every time... it's really getting dull. I also understand that there is only so much you can update in the game without causing these kinds of issues, but at least putting in a cheat to get the ship up and running without having to get core fragments every time would be nice. Maybe consider it? I know you're all busy, but if you could at least look into it, I'm sure it'd make the nightlies a lot easier for people to check out and test.
  5. Detruncate

    Detruncate Void-Bound Voyager

    Keep up the hard work ladies and gentlemen. :thumbsupaccompaniedbysubduedyetpleasantsmileemote:
  6. Mercenary14

    Mercenary14 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  7. Fatal Glitch

    Fatal Glitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I reccomend you at least backup, if possible, your starbound and try nightly, though for some reason this specific update crashes me because of trampolines, something called Direct3D, and lighting :rofl:. Trampolines... what an odd term to use in coding.
  8. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    Metadept, do you think that it will ever be possible to implement something like a gas/air element by building on the liquid code?
    Fatal Glitch likes this.
  9. Fatal Glitch

    Fatal Glitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is what I have done, but it can be annoying because I dont know how to undo it so use at your own risk.
    Go to the starbound config file and change allowadmincommands from anyone? to true, then in-game type /admin, then /spawnitem ShipT(insert the tier you want your ship to be, 1-8 or 9 iirc. tier 3 or 4 lets you use ftl.
    EX: /spawnitem shipT4
    By the way, in the current nightly /admin protects you from dmg.
    Rossomak likes this.
  10. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank
    ^This is the best thing ever, btw.

    To add to crash reports, my game crashed when I got near what I assume was a block of oil. When I tried to mine it, it pretty much exploded into this big stream of black liquid and made me crash, with this being the pertinent part of the error log:

    Error: Access violation detected at 0x50a2c1 (Read of address 0x6f632068)
    Error: Stack Trace...
      Renderer::renderTriangles(ByteArray, unsigned int, void*, LightingMode)
      TilePainter::renderQuads(Renderer, DynamicArray<TilePainter::Quad>, Vector<float, 2u>, Vector<float, 2u>, float)
      TilePainter::renderLiquid(WorldCamera, Renderer)
    Fatal Glitch and Rossomak like this.
  11. Mero

    Mero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm a bit late to reply but better than force a moon in the system you start in force the game to start you in a system that has a moon.
    Rossomak likes this.
  12. Fatal Glitch

    Fatal Glitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is literally the same crash I got, but mine was random, this article did not help but it was sort of the same prob I had, and I followed the article yet it did not work:[DOUBLEPOST=1415228209][/DOUBLEPOST]That is literally the same crash I got, but mine was random, this article did not help but it was sort of the same prob I had, and I followed the article yet it did not work:[DOUBLEPOST=1415228264][/DOUBLEPOST]Well that is odd, posted twice...
  13. skydart

    skydart Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hm. Oceans..... I always like underwater bases in Minecraft, so looking forward to make here one, too :up:
  14. lordbociek

    lordbociek Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hi - i was very suspicious about future of Starbound - but , i see that you truly are working on finishing this game -so - from me , a simply user ,a computer gamer - I WANT IT
  15. RenaldiForumStar

    RenaldiForumStar Big Damn Hero

    I dont suppose any of this will ever each the unstable branch? Is that deprecated?
  16. pi master

    pi master Void-Bound Voyager

    Although compressed water can be annoying and misleading in natural pools, I think that a water compressor would be very useful.
    I like to roleplay and say that my Hylotl must be kept in water at all times. When he's out and about he stays in a suit. When he comes back to his ship he can take off his suit because the ship is full of water. I used to compress the water so that I could open the door to get to the cockpit without worrying about losing water in the main area. Drains in the cockpit were necessary.
  17. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for the update especially about the biomes and liquids. Here is hoping that simplifying the liquids will prevent servers from using too much memory/CPU. Is there a way liquids could be compressible through a mod if the vanilla does not support liquid compression? If so all may not be lost. We can have our cake and eat it too.
  18. nours77

    nours77 Sandwich Man

    what a long way left....
    and you haven t finish the first tier...
    it is good to heard that or this is finish, but if you look the game, it is slow... very slow...
    ok, you have overhaul the game, but how many month with no out of update ?
    when can we play to the real starbound ? (because what we play until now is a bad joke !)

    i don t really care if you are pride of your work, but instead of loose you time to seem working, work and let us test by update what you done !
  19. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    Dude, try the nightlies. That's where all the new stuff is!

    Also, the new liquid stuff is neat!
  20. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    healing water is really cool. especially since i can carry it around with me =D

    if they updated the game every month or so you'd complain about it since you'd likely lose a lot // all of your stuff.
    just play
    nightly and be done with it. be excited for what's to come; i challenge you to do better, faster. and if you know you can, join the team and help them work on it faster. or just join the nightly community and help report bugs or suggest fixes.

    complaining about it won't get you anything faster.

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