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Outdated Novakid+ 1.4

playable mod race of the Novakid/Anodynes

  1. Cabbage_

    Cabbage_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks. The first one doesn't do anything, but the second one brings me somewhere. Thanks!
  2. Cabbage_

    Cabbage_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Update. Do I have to do this through the internet, or does an ingame-web browser work?
  3. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    So, in terms of building materials, I wonder what Novas should use? Hmmm.
  4. mossaab123

    mossaab123 Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah your right its very original shake a bottle and get the guy;)
  5. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I wonder what kind of crop a Novakid would grow... perhaps something ferrous-y?
  6. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Holly. Amazing mod, The race looks great you've made something good here my friend.
  7. -Pollywog-

    -Pollywog- Void-Bound Voyager

    Uh, I feel like a noob right now, but how exactly do I enable modded races?

    Sorry, found the Extended Character Mod. I'm good now.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    You get a character creation mod, which adds extra race slots for additional races.
  9. -Pollywog-

    -Pollywog- Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks, but I already figured this out.
  10. Lukhaz

    Lukhaz Void-Bound Voyager

    I need your help :(
    i installed the game using the "disabled erasing" thing, not the character creation mod.(just additional information)
    I can't play it with my friends because everytime we do, my progress isn't saved. do you know about that? :C
  11. phillip2001

    phillip2001 Phantasmal Quasar

    You are the king of ALL the race mods! Why cant other installations be as easy as drag and drop?
  12. Kiajinn

    Kiajinn Sandwich Man

    For me its still very monochromatic, theres no detailing, no metallic colors like copper, bronze, silver and chrome.
    To reference a hobby: Its like someone built a Model Train/Tank/whatever and sprayed a black base coat on the whole thing and called it a day.

    I look at the ship and I see this:

    Theres also the whole issue of 'Black Ship in an environment that is predominantly black or very very dark.'
    I know I hate 'THIS'.
  13. Luner77

    Luner77 Void-Bound Voyager

    A mod to play the race I most want to play, and it's made by the person who envisioned them? I cannot express my joy that you the creator of the race took the time to make the Nova kids playable. I want to be clear that alone makes this mod 10 out 10. The only thing that would make this more amazing is if you added racial armors, the only reason why I ask is because I would like to see what your vision of the armors would look like, and that's like going for the 11 out of 10. The only reason why I ask is because I would like to see what your vision of the armors would look like. I mean really I love this mod and as is It is clearly a 10/10 design and style easily make this amazing. I cannot state how simply amazing this mod truly is.
  14. CL4P-TR4P

    CL4P-TR4P Void-Bound Voyager

  15. Kiajinn

    Kiajinn Sandwich Man

    So, with the Novakid being implemented officially on a early level what is the future of this mod? will you match the Chucklefish Race Assets like for like in the Novakid+ style and make it an Asset override/texture mod?

    And i guess anything that doesn't match any CF-assets could be moved to a customisation addon.

    I just thinking aloud I guess haha.
  16. Yo Claptrap; what's the exact error with the treasure pool file? I can't get this to break on my machines, so I can't see it. Do you have other mods installed as well?

    Most likely what I'll end up doing is making the asset/texture override a separate mod (since it would probably be incompatible with the character creation parameters I've got set up here).

    This mod, on the other hand, will probably not see any further development (haha! just like now!). I'll probably try to hook it up to use Chucklefish items & recipes instead of human ones at least, and then I'll keep it around for folks who still want to play with any Novakid+ characters they've got.
  17. CL4P-TR4P

    CL4P-TR4P Void-Bound Voyager

    1: Yes i do have other mods installed.
    2: This is what i'm getting:
    StarException: An error occured during loading: Treasure Exception:
    Duplicate TreasurePool config '_merge' from file
    _Function_handler<void (),
    _Bind<ClientApplication::preSplashInitialization()::{lambda()#1} ()>

  18. CL4P-TR4P

    CL4P-TR4P Void-Bound Voyager

    Stupid friggin emoticons.
  19. Hm, not sure I entirely understand the error, but looking in the treasurepool file it does seem to me that the "_merge" may be unnecessary.

    Can you try replacing the treasurepools file with this version (https://www.dropbox.com/s/3u2vnf4f3aqjolh/novakid+.treasurepools) and see if it works?

    Also, can you verify that this is the only "novakid+.treasurepools" file in your mod directory?

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