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Outdated Novakid+ 1.4

playable mod race of the Novakid/Anodynes

  1. Ixantir

    Ixantir Ketchup Robot

    know if there's a character creation extender that is?
  2. Marc Spag

    Marc Spag Void-Bound Voyager

    just suggesting to put in the next update of the mod novakid, Novakid Spawners instead of the Human ones
  3. Kiajinn

    Kiajinn Sandwich Man

  4. Zero the Reploid

    Zero the Reploid Big Damn Hero

    Hey there, I'm having some trouble using this mod. My Starbound folder is, as far as I know, clean, and I have no character files or any save files of any other type. Supposedly I can just drop this in the mods folder after changing charcreation.config.disabled to charcreation.config. I did that, but nothing shows up in the character creation menu other than the vanilla stuff. I would be using the extended character creation mod you recommended, but it's not updated yet.

    Any idea what's going wrong?
  5. It should look like this:
    novakid creation.png

    Is your mods folder in a custom location?
    Have you been able to run any other mods so far?
  6. Zero the Reploid

    Zero the Reploid Big Damn Hero

    Nope, my mods folder is in the default location, and I haven't tried any others, no. I think my installation may be a bit cluttered. How can I wipe it clean? I mean, other than deleting the folder and running Starbound again to reinstall it. The deleting is going to take hours.
  7. is the novakid+.modinfo file nested exactly 1 folder within the mod directory?

    for example: mods/novakid+/novakid+.modinfo

    if it's too deep or too shallow, the mods will not load.
  8. Zero the Reploid

    Zero the Reploid Big Damn Hero

    Alright, so the novakid+.modinfo was apparently one folder too deep when I got it, so I moved it up. Still nothing on the character creation screen out of the ordinary.
  9. Moving just the .modinfo file will probably not do what you want it to do. What does your mod directory tree look like? When you downloaded the .zip, did you unpack its contents *as is* into the mod folder, without creating your own?

    ...maybe I should just run the asset packer on this thing, if that's supported in this build.
  10. Zero the Reploid

    Zero the Reploid Big Damn Hero

    Heh, sorry, I'm new to modding in Starbound and didn't realize that you had to extract the mod to its own folder. Anyway, it works now! Thanks for your help!
  11. Waraxe57

    Waraxe57 Void-Bound Voyager

    I cant get in servers with my novakid :(
    I only have NovaKid+ no other mods
  12. Zero the Reploid

    Zero the Reploid Big Damn Hero

    Pretty sure that's because the Novakid+ mod adds its own assets, and does not, for the most part, use ones already in the vanilla game. If that server doesn't have the Novakid+ mod installed as well, you can't join because it would have to load assets it doesn't have. You'll see this a lot, most mods that add new content won't be usable on servers unless they also have that mod.
  13. Pancake_Universe

    Pancake_Universe Void-Bound Voyager

    looks like an awesome mod but i cant get it to work :( PLEASE HELP ME SOMEONE!
  14. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Race added to our server.
    Thank you for the good work :)
    Bietol likes this.
  15. Trializ

    Trializ Space Hobo

    I wanna play but it crashes when i activate it ;-;
  16. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Hi Trializ. What you mean when you say activate? Didn't get it...
  17. shadowclasper

    shadowclasper Space Hobo

    I know that no racial armor or weapons are being made... but I was curious if enough interest would change your opinion on that? I mean, the devs are probably making it, but the rest of us would like something to fool around with while waiting for the official Novakids to come out, and these are awesome in any case :) I'd love to see the original imagined ideas for tiered gear.
  18. Cabbage_

    Cabbage_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ehm, help? Am I the only one having this problem? The download button isn't working. :cry: This seems like such a good mod, and I'm just disappointed with this problem.:mad::urgh:

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