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RELEASED Instrument Table (Craftable Instruments)

Discussion in 'Crafting and Building' started by Lachee, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. CrownFox

    CrownFox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Lachee, I have an idea you might like.

    Take the instrumenttable.item file and add the following to it;

    "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [

    If you do that the player only needs to add the instrument table to their player.config:
    { "item" : "instrumenttable" },
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  2. ollj

    ollj Big Damn Hero

    I just made a version of this where you smelt "wooden planks" in a "stone furnace" to make the modded item
    and that teaches all its unique recipes for instruments when you pick it up. it is also installed by copying it into a "mods" folder, how mods should be done.

    installing tutorial is in the file:


    Attached Files:

  3. okok111

    okok111 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heh, was just going to make something like this. Looks awesome, will dl. +1.
  4. Lachee

    Lachee Existential Complex

    Acctually in the next version I have planed I have done exactly that, but thank you otherwise ^_^

    Neat, thank you :D A bit later I might link it in the OP, or even include it with the next build (once my starbound updates) with that's alright with you :)
    CrownFox likes this.
  5. dragonroar3

    dragonroar3 Void-Bound Voyager

    man this fucked up my game :s i get the infinite loading screen every single time, i tried everything to fix it, i'm gonna reinstall the game now, that's my last hope
  6. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    Say my good Lachee. When do you forsee the next mod update to be? Also have you noticed that the accordian does not show up during crafting? Atleast it did not for me.
  7. buboe

    buboe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Works fine on indignant koala, make sure to follow all of the new steps correctly.
  8. TrixterHg

    TrixterHg Void-Bound Voyager

    How do I make the circuit board??? I really want to make the mic's and the electric bass guitar but can't figure out how to make the circuit board. (I found a overdrive guitar already so that's fine)
  9. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    I remember getting a Circuit Board by killing a human defence droid once. try grinding those.
  10. Lachee

    Lachee Existential Complex

  11. Lachee

    Lachee Existential Complex

    ~ New Update ~
    - v3 -

    Change Log:
    Created a player.config free recipe system!

    New folder formatting (sorting) again (for my other mods)

    Read Original Post for installation instructions

    Would you like me to make them a little less expensive? Maybe double the copper, or add another tiered item instead of the circuit board? You can also craft them, using wire and polymer.​
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  12. Daze

    Daze Aquatic Astronaut

    I was able to craft the table and place it, but as soon as I hit E on it I crash?
  13. Lachee

    Lachee Existential Complex

    ~ New Update ~
    - v4 -

    Change Log:
    Fixed Crash On Use ('E')

    Read Original Post for installation instructions

    Woops, silly me :facepalm: I spelt the config location wrong for the table, it is fixed in v4.
  14. tvo770

    tvo770 Aquatic Astronaut

    still crash's on e hit.
  15. steve0756

    steve0756 Void-Bound Voyager

    Definitely make the microphones/overrdrive guitars cheaper. Circuit Boards are extremely hard to get.
  16. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Phantasmal Quasar

    Is this in the "Mods" section of the site? I can't find it. I only discovered this by reading the comments in KaosVardenmaell's "Craftable Instruments" mod where the author mentions it as something similar that requires an Instrument Table. Seriously, this should be in the Musical Instruments section of the mods.

    Anyway, have you considered adding brass as a new material to craft certain instruments?
  17. Lachee

    Lachee Existential Complex

    No I haven't considered adding brass... I might do that, thanks for the idea.

    Yea, it is not yet on the mod site, I was considering it but it would require me to make another thread as far as I can tell... I might do it a bit later.
    Thundercraft and Whaleduck like this.
  18. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    Hey Lachee what do you think of the idea of a tuba in the game? As a musician i really miss my Tuba.
  19. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Phantasmal Quasar

    No prob. Though, actually, it's not my idea. KaosVardenmaell's "Craftable Instruments" already adds brass for certain instruments. I prefer your mod, however, because you have a separate Instrument Table to craft instruments. And I want a mod that requires blueprints to make it as non-cheat as possible.

    Hmm... Have you considered "borrowing" instruments from other mods? Might make it faster to add new stuff. Just an idea.

    Example: Su madre es MUY suave's Craftable instruments mod incorporated a new instrument called "test" that was in the game files, but not utilized. He just made it craftable:

  20. FadeFreeman

    FadeFreeman Aquatic Astronaut

    ^ this is exactly what i want.

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