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Here are the upcoming ship-updates

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Conir, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Conir

    Conir Void-Bound Voyager

  2. Catoosie

    Catoosie Heliosphere

    They look like shake weights.
  3. Yocas

    Yocas Astral Cartographer

    Soooooo with ships getting that big they better have a really good reason to have bases on planets, lol.
  4. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Maybe if you're of canine heritage. >_>
    Guswut and SqualidMisnomer like this.
  5. piinyouri

    piinyouri Aquatic Astronaut

    By the ghost of Robert Shaw, that is a massive cruiser at the bottom.

    Why bother building any kind of storage on terra firma when you've got that behemoth mooring above?
  6. Gene

    Gene Phantasmal Quasar

    Looks good.

    The bigger the ship, the more fuel it should cost to travel. Make it a tradeoff between size and cost.
  7. Darkmoone1

    Darkmoone1 Void-Bound Voyager

    *imagining what the Glitch ship looks like fully upgraded*

    .....Oh god I want this.....NOW!
    Tarod likes this.
  8. Astasia

    Astasia Pangalactic Porcupine

    Your other characters can't access each other's ships. They can all share a planetary base. Even with that much space on your ship to do whatever you want with, it's still more useful if you have multiple characters to keep everything on a planet, especially with the beam to home planet function on the teleporter.
    krylo likes this.
  9. DrSpoy

    DrSpoy Void-Bound Voyager

    but planets are also currently saved to characters, it seems.
  10. Astasia

    Astasia Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nope. Planets are saved separately. All your characters are in the same universe and can visit the same planets and see the changes the others have made. Build a base and throw some items in a chest, your other character can visit that planet, access that base, and use those chests and items.
    krylo likes this.
  11. backstabbeth

    backstabbeth Pangalactic Porcupine

    I am also hoping they give us a real reason to build an on world base.. building for buildings sake isnt really enough IMO
  12. cooltv27

    cooltv27 Heliosphere

    the image doesnt work for me... I guess Im lucky that I will get to see the upgrades when its out, but I want to see them now
    anyone care to explain what its like/how its different?
  13. That is so sweet. I'm excited :p
    Ex Fide Fortis likes this.
  14. Nostredeus

    Nostredeus Orbital Explorer

    They first 4 are boss, after that they become too horizontally symmetrical and look odd (you can see that they begin to almost look like top-down views).

    Consider some of the ships from films / other games etc:


    The warhammer 40k ships look ace because they have a different line of symmetry and build upwards rather than both upwards and downwards.

    Just my opinion of course and it's probs both a WIP and just the human style.
    SquarelyCircle likes this.
  15. DrSpoy

    DrSpoy Void-Bound Voyager

    Huh. Neat. Not really all that useful, but neat. (mostly because you have to either set it as home for all your characters or type in the co-ordinates each time.)
  16. Wizaerd

    Wizaerd Astral Cartographer

    So people are looking for a reason to build a base on the planet, and the response is getting bigger ships, big enough to continually build up the ship as the base. Hmmmm...
  17. Ripperjk

    Ripperjk Phantasmal Quasar

    Damn nice!
  18. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sweet. If these upgrades get implemented, I can make easily make my ship my main base! Have a nice storage area in one part, a garden in another, a crafting area, and even sleeping quarters for my character and anyone else who may be traveling the stars with me! :D
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    Guswut likes this.
  19. Poseidon

    Poseidon Big Damn Hero

    Finally.. Somewhere to store my penis.
  20. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Simple: Teleport pads!

    Either that, or this design is still be worked on and they'll add gaps to jump up/down to.

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