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Galaxy Citizen - The Number 1 Starbound Community | Roleplay

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by haydee, Jan 4, 2014.

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  1. haydee

    haydee Twenty-three is number one



    Galaxy Citizen is a community that aims to provide a unique and standalone RP experience within Starbound. We want to take the game and the lore that the developers provided to us and create our own dynamic universe to explore and craft your own destinies within. The community was formed on the 9th of December due to popular demand for a Roleplay server and since then, we have grown to be one of the most popular and largest Starbound communities in existence with over 6000 registered citizens.

    Galaxy Citizen is always looking for:
    • People who have a passion for RP and immersion with the game.
    • People who are friendly and good to get along with.
    • People who will not grief or cause trouble.
    • People who would be interested in creating a unique lore-filled universe.
    • People who love this game as much as I do.

    So if you are interested in joining us then we would love to welcome you as a citizen. Visit www.galaxycitizen.com and join us in the universe(server). Don't worry, you don't have to register to join our server!



    Main Website and Forum:
    Information on Rules and How to Join the Server:

    Galactic Map and Lore (In-Progress):
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
    Yzzey and elusiveTranscendent like this.
  2. Alpha31415

    Alpha31415 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Should I start a new character when I join? I have one ready right now but he has tier 3 armor.
  3. haydee

    haydee Twenty-three is number one

    You can use your current character as there will be a wipe soon and it won't matter anyway :)
  4. haydee

    haydee Twenty-three is number one

  5. Skidwolfe

    Skidwolfe Void-Bound Voyager

    Gonna check in!
  6. haydee

    haydee Twenty-three is number one

    Awesome! Hope to see you on there.
  7. Sha Seng

    Sha Seng Title Not Found

    Interesting... Almost suspiciously so! I'll definitely take a look.

    (Also, your thread shouldn't be on page three! Hya!)
  8. Charlatan

    Charlatan Parsec Taste Tester

    Taking a look too in search for a long-term RP server.
  9. Herrawesome

    Herrawesome Space Penguin Leader

    How mod-friendly is this server? I never play my human toon without space marine armor in the costume slot. If that's acceptable, I'm totes interested.
  10. Ronnys

    Ronnys Void-Bound Voyager

    Your armor would be invisible to other players who don't have the mod.
  11. Herrawesome

    Herrawesome Space Penguin Leader

    That's a damned shame.
  12. Herrawesome

    Herrawesome Space Penguin Leader

    Wait, my armor would be invisible or I would be invisible?

    Would they see the armor I actually had equipped?
  13. Charlatan

    Charlatan Parsec Taste Tester

    Oh I see the witch hunter follows me to serve his corpse god. :sneaky:

    This seems a good choice, however. Other RP servers would react sensitive to any WH40k parts.
  14. Herrawesome

    Herrawesome Space Penguin Leader

    I'm not a member of the Ordo Malleus. The Deathwatch serves the Ordo Xenos.
  15. jarchio

    jarchio Big Damn Hero

    so i use the kaenid mod just to spice up the slightly SLIGHTLY bland options for races. anyways if i use my kaenid character on the server, would i be completely invisible to others, or just my clothes show. (this is IF the mod is even allowed)
  16. CrazyFreak

    CrazyFreak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. haydee

    haydee Twenty-three is number one

    I will start to put together a mod pack after the wipe. We definitely want to start adding new races and additions into our server!
  18. haydee

    haydee Twenty-three is number one

    BUMP - The wipe is happening soon and we are getting ready for our official start to RP in our new Galaxy. The team wrote some Lore up to give our Galaxy a history: www.galaxycitizen.com/lore

    We will need lots of builders and helpers after the wipe. So so many cities to build.
  19. Herrawesome

    Herrawesome Space Penguin Leader

    Will you also be adding Space Marine armor?
  20. haydee

    haydee Twenty-three is number one

    We have not decided on the exact mods yet but I expect that if it is popular then we will add it. We will let the community decide when it is time.
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