REQUEST Configurable shipping dates

Discussion in 'Mods' started by manafruit, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. manafruit

    manafruit Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In an attempt to make a slightly different challenge for myself, in a new game I've decided I'm only to use the shipping bin at the end of a month.

    I think it'd be wonderful to see a mod that could store everything you put in the shipping bin until the nearest shipping date entered. If you set the dates 7/14/21/28 and put 50 wood in the shipping box each night from the 9th to 14th, on the night of the 14th/morning of the 15th you'd receive payment for the wood you'd shipped.
      DatRaph likes this.
    • Nishtra

      Nishtra Big Damn Hero

      It's definitely possible to make and I actually managed to save/load items to config file. But I'm having trouble tying it to events so it would fire with enough reliability.

      Also, as an interesting discovery/side-note, it seems SMAPI event OnNewDay fires before the game ships items o_O
        manafruit likes this.
      • Nishtra

        Nishtra Big Damn Hero

        Made a v1.0 of a mod. Link
          DatRaph and foghorn like this.

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