Cloning and dead bodies!

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Kregoth, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. Kregoth

    Kregoth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well just having the ability to see your own corpse, regardless if it is capable of being used in anyway, would further emphasize that fact that you are a clone of your former self.

    The original idea that this stems from is that I wanted to see this game handle the mechanics of death in a unique way that would help give it even more innovation and interesting mechanics to separate it from everything else :)
  2. Chaosmancer

    Chaosmancer Big Damn Hero

    I do quite like this idea, but there are a couple of problems. The big one is how you would tackle dying via environmental hazard (lava, acid, etc.), would your equipment be lost entirely, or would there be a quick recall system (e.g. pay X pixels, immediately retrieve anything lost on death). Although, I would think that they would have the softcore, mediumcore, hardcore system, so in softcore, you would only lose X% of your money (obviously it would be left on the place of your death), mediumcore would be loss of all items, left on your place of death, and hardcore would be loss of everything on that character (obviously none of it will be able to be retrieved, not unless they are able to implement something that keeps world drops permanent when changing characters (although that could be abused quite easily)) and the character itself would be lost. I did just have another idea about combating death by environmental hazard, if everything you drop from death is put into a chest of some sort, then that floats in liquid. Although it is questionable as to whether that would be classed as 'too easy'. Although I suppose that it could be a case of it only putting your items in a chest (or other storage) if you have that item in your inventory (then any excess will be dropped around the chest, or put in another chest).

    As for the screwing around with corpses etc., it sounds fun...especially if you were able to make an entire crew of zombie yous (which would work well if you were playing as a narcissistic psychopathic mass murderer...or if you just felt like killing your crew (assuming you have the ability to)... or if your crew died of natural causes (eviscerated by giant space insects is kind of natural for a space exploration game...I think)). Or you could combine the corpse with explosives (or separate the corpse and add explosives to each limb) and throw them at enemies (or fire them from a rocket launcher)...actually, the corpse thing sounds very fun, the kind of thing that will make you want them to put a suicide button in the game (or a suicide command, so you don't accidentally kill yourself during doing something important, or so that people who are watching you play can't make you suicide easily, unless you go away from the keyboard).

    Just my current thoughts, I had more than this, but I went away from the computer for a short time when I was writing this, and forgot a lot of it.
  3. Sirnak

    Sirnak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I rarely comment in the Suggestions section of the forum, but this idea just forced me to post something. I like this idea a lot. Too few games actually try to justify to death/resurrection aspect of ist gameplay. This simple and effective cloning idea is a pure genius idea that would cover this aspect, giving a unique touch to Starbound in the process.

    Actually, here's how I'd see the death and cloning process:

    In the game itself, you would need to return to your ship at times in order to "save" or "register" your current character. This "saving" process register your character and everything he/she is currently holding, including equipment and inventory. When you die, a "signal" would actually be sent back to your space station which would then create a perfect copy of the last you that was saved, equipment and everything included. When you'd return to where you died, your corpse would be there, naked and looted, and the newest objects you found AFTER your last "save" would be on the ground just in front of your corpse, untouched and unlooted by enemies for whatever reason. In Multiplayer, I'd suggest only you could take these items.

    If you happen to die in acid, lava or anything that could destroy your items, well, SAD FOR YYYOOOOUUUUUUUU (like would say Vegeta). You just lost the last items you didn't "save" or stored, which would force you not to die too much like a retard, pretty much like in Minecraft.

    I suggest that we shouldn't be able to interect with our dead body. It should just stand there and be uninteractive to avoid any stupid action to be taken by tards. Tards are dangerous. And annoying.

    Of course, less kind of items could be "saved" or "copied" by this process if there are difficulty levels to select at character creation like in Terraria, if any at all. That's my suggestion. :)
  4. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    so would the items that you had before the save be disintegrated at the same time that the signal is sent?

    i like the idea that corpses should remain after death (with everything, not just you) but it should only be able to be interacted with in the form of what can be looted from them (meat, bones, whatever) and after a while it fossilises into fossils or oil or whatever, so massacred villages stay massacred unless you clear it away, or until the corpses rot into the ground, and don't turn into pristine empty villages after a few seconds
  5. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    Hm, as another idea why not be a ghost and go to your dead body and pay an angel or daemon for a resurrection and body healing? Doing so will take time however once you pay them (or write an IOU note which they will come to collect on later double price?)

    When you die your ghost is only allowed to be close to your body, and you cannot go too far without a fog preventing your wandering... to boot, some spirits will try to take control of your body instead (yoink!) and you must keep them out by fighting them off with your spirit powers. (inherited from death, but if you learn magick while alive this makes it much easier to keep them out while the angel or daemon heals and resurrects you with time)

    Edit: If your body IS taken over by a spirit, keep bashing it out or it'll try to do something you would not enjoy... like kill itself over again. (if you watch what happens, maybe something cool will happen too by chance? sidequest idea)

    It's a far out idea, but something fun to work on. X3
    §hifter likes this.
  6. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    its a bit of a fuss for just dying isn't it? it'd be ok for a side quest though :)

    and just a note, i'm not sure there is gonna be any magick (correct me if i am wrong, i think i read it somewhere)
  7. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

  8. Acrylic

    Acrylic Void-Bound Voyager

    How 'bout when you die you can interact with your body and carry it back to your spacestation and put it in a special area where it will decompose and makes fertile land where special plants can grow but will take a while and you will be ressurected by the scanner idea where you save a copy of yourself and items.
    Urist McDwarf likes this.
  9. Urist McDwarf

    Urist McDwarf Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't think that would make a good fertilizer, but its not bad for your second sugestion.;) Welcome to the forums!
  10. Acrylic

    Acrylic Void-Bound Voyager

    Well your dead body could decompose and your body will have negative effect on the area around it such as higher carnivorous mobs will spawn, plants in close proximity to the body will die.
  11. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    I don't really like the idea of dropping items on death. Maybe there could be a different mode for dropping items like Terraria, but it seems like a harsh punishment. As for cloning your dead body, and reanimating it, it sounds creepy to me but to each his own. The idea is really cool, but it creeps me out ha ha.
  12. Bine

    Bine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    On the topic of death and dieing. There was a game I played a while back where death was relatively harsh. When you died you went into the underworld or a place in between or something. Cant quite remember those details as its been a very long while. What you would do is have to find your way out. Like a little maze that took 10-15 minutes. There was even a little city once you found your way out where the dead residents who never wanted to go back stayed (or couldnt go back).

    It was pretty neat. It kept people from going off and dieing without -taking anything away from them-. This kept players interested, if quite annoyed. It prevented the whole 'aw fudgesticks. I died. Welp, there goes the last 3 hours of work.' and losing interest.

    Its one way to do it.
    §hifter likes this.
  13. starman

    starman Subatomic Cosmonaut

    it seems there are a few criticisms for this idea.
    I welcome the idea to find my old corpse and beat my killer to death with it, so my corpse may have his final revenge!!whahaha:devil: !! ?

    I think seeing your old corpse would have that hint of wackyness about it (and any game with turtle penguins im assuming will be a little wacky).
  14. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Oh wow! That sounds really cool!
    I'm not saying Starbound should use it or anything but I can imagine how awesome that kind of system could be if implemented in some other games...

    But yeah... on topic.
    That's an interesting idea.
    Cloning devices like that aren't anything new in sci-fi but they might fit Terraria.
    But um... Your ship is separate from planets, so if you died on a planet and got teleported on your ship you'd get pulled out of the planet and had to enter it again to continue what you were doing. That sounds really annoying.
    Then again Starbound is slower than say Terraria, so maybe dying is meant to be more punishing like that.

    Either way it'd be pretty funny if you could just repeatedly die and use corpses to build stairs over something...
    Doubt that'll happen, but funny as an idea. :)
  15. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    I personally love the idea of screwing around with corpses and having like a mad scientists lab on my ship or on a planet somewhere where I stash corpses and perform evil experiments.
  16. Casimir

    Casimir Pangalactic Porcupine

    i'm not too fond of this idea. Cloning does sound like a cool way for 'respawning' but it sounds like a bit of a bother to have to get your body and all your items back. Sure, it gives you reason to be more careful with what you're doing so you don't die but I feel like it's a bit harsh. So if there is some sort of 'softcore' and 'hardcore' equivalent in this game, maybe that should be reserved for the 'hardcore' players/characters.

    But I do like the idea of toying with corpses, maybe not my own corpse....but things or people I've killed. :unsure:

    Edit - I'm all for having a unique way of dealing with death, though. Maybe something unique like that maze (except it can't be that maze because it wouldn't be unique then :p) but it could be something challenging enough to put some effort too but not something that would leave you dead forever...or something that would leave you unable to get your items/equipment back until after you've gotten something stronger than them...which would leave your old items/equipment useless.
  17. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    This sounds like a great idea to me! As long as the process was quick and streamlined. Even something new and refreshing gets boring after the 100th time if you have to spend and extra 30 seconds doing stuff every time you die. I think it should just be:

    Death ==> Clone ==> Recollect your stuff ==> Be on your merry way

    So the dead body would automatically be teleported for you, and your gear would be equipped and arranged exactly how it was before you died, so you dont have to faff around rearranging everything again. It just definitely needs to be a quick jump back into the game, but would be a huge improvement over just magically coming back to life somewhere else. Definitely have to make sure it was just limited to recollecting your own stuff as well so other people couldn't steal your gear on servers.

    On a side note I think it would be cool if you could build more of these machines later in the game. They could act like Terraria/Minecraft beds and you could then place them in your settlements on the surface and set one as your spawn point. So at the start of the game you would be teleported back to the medical bay of your ship or wherever, but once you've unlocked more of the tech tree you could set up new respawn-9000s©
  18. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

    Can't we just leave it at die and respawn?
    Kristopher and Mike Potter like this.
  19. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    What with this being the suggestion forum people are free to discuss their ideas ;)
  20. Mittgfu

    Mittgfu Phantasmal Quasar

    I think I get your point there... But whats the point of making them into zombies... Hmmm, well, you could kill the yourself wich you have already killed. Seems legit.

    But I have a much, much better idea!
    Making those dead bodies into training statues.

    You! Yes you! Do you want to learn pickpocketing fast and easy? Well, today's your lucky day! I present you: The new dead corps training statue! It is exactly what you need! Get one today for the price of two, and recieve an extra one for free!

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