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Bug Thread:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pastuleio, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Reciful

    Reciful Orbital Explorer

    I can't climb down this ladder. I can climb up it though.
    • Venom

      Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

      Cool, I was doing a 388 minute run and eventually fell through the wall below the level.
      Can't even see my score now... this is so sad. Had at least 9 items 100+ times and 7 90+ times.

      (This was in the forest first level)
      • Event Horizon

        Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

        A screenshot of where you fell through would help out tons. It doesn't have to be from the 300 minute game either.. just start a new game and go to where you fell through.
        • Wagnozac

          Wagnozac Void-Bound Voyager

        • Zadmeir

          Zadmeir Star Wrangler

          There's clearly some bug affecting movement speed. My guy is at 300 minutes, has 37 Goat Legs, and is moving about normal human walking speed (really slow - a fraction of the speed of a fresh character). I move at about the speed of sound after killing a bunch of enemies, thanks to Burning Witness, but outside of that my movement speed is terrible, so there may be some bug in regards to losing the Burning Witness buff.
          • Rawrquaza

            Rawrquaza Existential Complex

            Had a few bugs while doing the "play local co-op using the same controls for both players" thing, including the previously-mentioned dead player being able to use their use item, but I ALSO ran into this very strange bug. Watch from 32:20 for a minute and keep your eyes on player 1, I make him posthumously dance! X3 I also recommend watching this episode from the beginning, it's kinda a unique way to play and strategizing is hard.

            Edit: Similar co-op bug in Myth's game here. And here, really strange.
            • Venom

              Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

              Honestly, I had 100 speed buffs and went so fast through the map (4 seconds from left to right) I couldn't even tell that fast where it was.
              I'll try out some places where I think it might be.
              • Zadmeir

                Zadmeir Star Wrangler

                Okay, I left the previous game on overnight. I now have 124 Goat's Hoofs and 32 Burning Witnesses and my movement speed is 0%. I can no longer move at all except after I kill something. Even then, I'm moving so slow that I can't even make 1 space wide jumps anymore with 40 jetpacks. Fortunately I was able to complete the level because the only enemy left was a Toxic Beast that kept supplying me with Burning Witness buffs.

                Edit: Huh, using commando's Tactical Dive moves me backwards slightly.

                ... Actually, I've only noticed the slowdown happening on the Magma stage after the Burning Witness buff runs out. Something on that stage is causing movement speed to drop permanently into the negatives after the BW buff runs out, which explains why I can no longer move normally. When I use Tactical Dive, I move almost an entire screen length backwards, which is why I think movement speed is a negative value.

                Edit: And pressing down results in climbing up, pressing up results in climbing down.


                I'm at about 550 minutes and monsters stop spawning after a while of sitting there and killing them, so I can't stay on one stage forever if I don't do the teleporter event. The time until monsters stop spawning seems to vary. After monsters stop spawning, no new monsters spawn when you activate the teleporter event, so it's just a peaceful wait.


                My Guardian's Hearts don't appear to be giving me the correct amount of shield anymore. I have 35 of them. I think the shields are supposed to give you about 15% of your health as shields. I'm receiving 2000 shields, but my health value is 807,279.


                When your health reaches about 500k, the health bar sticks out of the side slightly. When you reach 1 million HP, it sticks out of the side much further.



                Using Tactical Dive seems to be getting me stuck in walls a good amount of the time. It's not permanent, but the only way to get out is to Dive back out; normal movement doesn't cut it. It may only happen at high movement speeds.


                Well, it was impossible for me to properly climb the chains to reach the top of Stage 3, since you have to be pixel-perfect in line with them and I could only move by using Tactical Dive, which doesn't lend well to precision jumping. During my attempts to climb down-up a chain, I got stuck inside the ceiling. RIP Commando. I was gonna leave it running to see if I could reach 2^16+1 gold and see if I got an error, but I calculated that it would take about 10 years to reach that number with 133 Life Savings, so nope.

                  Reciful and Rawrquaza like this.
                • Shrooblord

                  Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                  When in Co-Op, if two players are Han-D, and one of them dies, the dead player still has drones, can still activate them and can also collect drones from killing enemies with their still available drones.
                  • Event Horizon

                    Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

                    The thing about not being able to move anywhere and controls putting you backwards is because you reached the digital limit of the numbers in the code, so it wrapped around and started going negative.
                    • Biomatter

                      Biomatter Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      AFAIK each Guardian Heart gives you 60+ life as shield. 35 GHs x 60 life = 2100 in shields.
                      • Zadmeir

                        Zadmeir Star Wrangler

                        I think it involve reaching the limit, but a little different than what you described. If the numbers wrapped around in such a way, I would have been rendered incapable of moving while I had the stacks too, and not just after I lost the stacks.

                        There's obviously a limit to how fast a character can move, and I reached it with Burning Witness stacks. But then I got more Burning Witness stacks. The speed cap wasn't exceeded, but when I lost all of those Burning Witness stacks, I ended up at a lower speed than I had when I started.

                        For example, say stopped speed is 0, normal speed is 20, and max speed is 100. And now assume each Burning Witness stack adds +5 to your speed. If I got 10 stacks, I'd be at 70 speed, and when those stacks wore off, I'd be back down to 20. If I got 16 stacks, I'd hit speed cap, and when those stacks wore off, I'd be back down to 20. However, if I got 21 stacks, I'd hit speed cap at stack 16, but when the stacks wore off I'd end up at -5 speed and be incapable of moving.

                        The numbers would go 20(0), 25(1), 30(2), 35(3)...90(14), 95(15), 100(16), 100(17), 100(18), 100(19), 100(20), 100(21). And then when the stacks start disappearing, the number goes 100(21), 95(20), 90(19), 85(18)... 30(7), 25(6), 20(5), 15(4), 10(3), 5(2), 0(1), -5(0). So I started at 20 speed and ended up at -5. That might be what's happening if the game stops tracking additional speed increases when you reach the cap. You can cap the character's speed at 100, but the game needs to be able to keep track of numbers beyond that to properly remove buffs. I think. I don't have any experience making games, but this seems logical.

                        I see. I thought it gave 15% of your life in shields because I frequently lost all of my shields and no life because of fall damage, and fall damage does about 15% of your current life. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention.

                        Oddly though, I watched my shield strength when I picked up another Heart a couple of times and it didn't seem to change. I picked up another heart and my shield didn't get stronger, so I injured myself and waited for the shield to regen, but it was still the same strength as before I picked up the extra Heart. That was another reason I thought it had a static percentage. I'm not sure why that happened now.
                        • Megadog

                          Megadog Astral Cartographer

                          Your logic seems sound, and I imagine a fix would be as simple as changing your speed from (WitnessBoostedSpeed - WitnessBoost) when the buff wears off, to (BaseSpeed + goatbuffs).
                          Re: Fall damage and shields - We should probably migrate this kind of discussion to a mechanics thread, but AFAIK you can't lose health points from a single hit of damage while you have any shield available (could be wrong there, but it's the impression that I get)
                          i.e. even if you're on 1 hp and you have 1 point of shield remaining, it'll still take 2 hits to kill you.

                          @ Event Horizon, perhaps quote just the bit you're referring to, instead of the whole post...
                          • Zadmeir

                            Zadmeir Star Wrangler

                            In my experience, the buff from Burning Witness doesn't wear off all at once. It seems like each stack has its own timer and the buffs wear off gradually over time. Adding a minimum movement speed cap should work. The cap would be Base Speed + Goat Buffs, like you said.

                            Yeah, that would account for not losing any life after taking 100,000 fall damage, even though my shields were only 2,000.
                            • hopoo

                              hopoo Risk of Rain Developer Developer

                              this is the funniest post :p. I'm more surprised the game is even functioning at 550 minutes! I believe that things are no longer spawning because the director, if he has a large LARGE sum of points left, will try to spawn higher leveled mobs. As it turns out, you're so deep in the game that it believes the highest level bosses aren't strong enough to beat you. Hmph!

                              I'll fix that witness bug and see what I can do when you reach.. 1 million health. Maybe I should prevent reaching 1 million health in the first place..
                                Rawrquaza likes this.
                              • Zadmeir

                                Zadmeir Star Wrangler

                                So was I. It was at about 350 minutes when I went to bed and slept 8 hours. I expected to wake up to a CTD, error, frozen game, or possibly even a BSOD. It's a good indication that the game is pretty stable if it can do something like that. And I can tell that a large amount of the 8 hour period was spent at low framerates as bosses piled on my character and got themselves killed because the 8 hour period only added like 150 minutes to the timer instead of 480.

                                Removing the cap on Infusion made a huge difference. If Infusion was still capped, that character would have had less than 20,000 HP. So I had 50x as much HP as I would have had if the cap still existed.

                                Edit: There's one other bug I'd like to report about Magma Core. In the middle of the area with the two ledges with ropes hanging off, you can jump off the rope and into the wall in the bottom ledge. I'll run a bandit to stage 4 and get a screenshot.


                                Uh crap, I just triple-clicked the exe and started up two instances of the game at once by accident, which seems to have nuked my save file. All of my stuff is locked again. >_<

                                There seems to be some jibberish added to the bottom of Save.ini when things get unlocked, probably a anti-cheating measure. I backed up the save file with everything unlocked and it doesn't have any at the bottom. Strangely, I can't seem to reproduce the save file loss with the new save with only Monster Tooth unlocked.

                                Edit: ... and I think I just realized what the All Unlocked file with the jibberish is for.

                                ... Nope, I thought it would make the old save file work if I copied the jibberish from the all_unlocked file to the bottom of the save file. Bah.

                                Edit: Copying the contents of save_all_unlocked directly into save unlocked everything.

                                My old save file where everything was locked after starting two instances of the game:


                                For some reason that doesn't work, but the stuff in save_all_unlocked does.

                                Edit: And after restarting my computer, the save stuff is lost and the stuff in save_all_unlocked is no longer unlocking everything. I guess I'll reinstall the game.

                                Okay, I deleted all of the game files, unzipped fresh ones from the zip file, copied over the save.ini in the above spoiler, and everything is unlocked again. Hopefully it stays that way. Time to get a screenshot.


                                You can jump off the rope into the inside of that ledge and walk around.
                                • Megadog

                                  Megadog Astral Cartographer

                                  Yeah I'm just gonna confirm I've run into the witness slow-movement bug too. 19 goats, 17 witnesses :(
                                  also there's a few "bottom of the roof" areas towards the left side (at around 70% elevation) of deep fungus that you can jump in-ish if you've got a buttload of jetpacks :D
                                  • Shrooblord

                                    Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Also, as a general note, I'd like to address that there's plenty of video footage of people playing the game with bugs occurring now and then that may slip by us who mention it here. Of course I can understand you don't want to both be working on your game and watch tons of people play it just to increase its stability, but if you feel like catching a video here and there, they could be far more helpful than written reports, possibly.
                                    Here's a good thread to catch such videos:
                                      Rawrquaza likes this.
                                    • Event Horizon

                                      Event Horizon Big Damn Hero

                                      I think a good way to balance the item that gives 8% health is to change it to +10% but only add it to base health, not the health added by infusion. Then, add a cap on infusion that = 200 hp * level * infusionItemCount

                                      At level 25 with 5 infusion (an average infusion amount at that level), you have a max HP limit from infusion of 200 hp * 25 L * 5 I = 25,000 health. Still a lot of health, but nowhere near the crazy amount people are getting now in late game.
                                        Biomatter likes this.
                                      • nish

                                        nish Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        I'm playing on windows 8 64bit, laptop, when my laptop goes into sleep mode the game just vanishes, may also happen when switching users.
                                        also what got fixed in

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